
  1. 我国个人金融理财产品选择与风险控制问题研究

    Study on Individual Financial Managing Products and Risk Control of China

  2. 在此背景下,各种金融理财产品应运而生并且迅速发展壮大。

    In this context , a large number of financial planning products emerged and developed rapidly .

  3. 对目前在农村理财市场推行比较广泛的金融理财产品进行剖析,为金融机构筹划农村市场提供参考。

    The analysis of the financial product which has been carried out more extensive in rural financial market provides reference for rural financial market .

  4. 随着金融理财产品的出现,金融市场逐渐发生融合交叉,金融功能和金融机构不能严密的对应。

    With the emergence of wealth investment products , financial market is gradually getting crossed and mixed , as a result , the financial functions and financial institutions can not be a rigorous correspondence .

  5. 在经历了初期的探索后,作为一种新型的金融理财产品,集合资产管理计划以其专业管理、灵活配置、分散风险、绩效激励的特点,在竞争激烈的市场中迅速获得了投资者的认可。

    After the initial exploration , as a new type of financial planning product , Collective Investment Scheme ( CIS ) quickly gained recognition from the investors in a highly competitive market for its professional management , flexible configuration , risk diversification and performance incentive .

  6. 本文从分析KODA合约的本质及其相关法律关系入手,得知KODA实质上是一种风险极高的金融衍生理财产品,纠纷产生的重要原因之一就是因为我国对金融衍生理财产品缺乏有效的监管。

    This paper analyzes the essence of the contract and the legal relationship . In fact , KODA is a high risk of product derived from financial .

  7. KODA本质上就是一种金融衍生理财产品,由于它本身极端复杂且风险极高,在许多国家是被禁止销售的。

    KODA is essentially a kind of derivative financial products , because its extremely complex and high risk , it was prohibited to sale in many countries .

  8. 瑞信(creditsuisse)数据显示,各金融机构通过理财产品管理的资产规模去年年底飙升至约12.5万亿元人民币,是2009年的逾两倍。

    Assets under management accounted for by wealth management products at various financial institutions surged to about RMB 12.5tn at the end of last year , more than twice the level in 2009 , according to Credit Suisse .