
  • 网络financial fraud
  1. 其它投资者虽然对这起可能是历史上最大的金融诈骗案表示震惊,但他们也表示,他们对美国市场监管机构证券交易委员会(sec)未能察觉此骗局感到愤怒。

    Other investors while expressing shock at what could be the biggest ever financial fraud said they were angry at the failure of the securities and Exchange Commission , the US markets watchdog , to spot the fraud .

  2. 论犯罪数额与金融诈骗罪的定罪量刑

    On Criminal Amount with Convictions and Sentencing of Financial Fraud Crimes

  3. 金融诈骗犯罪的特点和预防对策

    The Traits of Financial Fraud Crime and Prevention of It

  4. 第二是金融诈骗犯罪的结果犯模式问题。

    The second is the result of financial fraud crimes committed mode .

  5. 论金融诈骗罪的概念和构成特征

    On the Concept and Characteristics of Crime of Financial Fraud

  6. 重庆市金融诈骗的特点及防范措施的选择

    On characteristics of Chongqing 's financial defraud and selection of safeguard measures

  7. 论金融诈骗罪的事实认识错误

    On the Cognition Errors of Facts in the Crime of Financial Fraud

  8. 金融诈骗罪中的罪数及法条竞合问题

    Charges in Crime of Financial Fraud and Coincidence of Articles

  9. 金融诈骗罪的两个误区及立法构想

    Two Misconceptions Concerning Crimes of Financial Fraud and Legislative Suggestions

  10. 二是金融诈骗罪的目的要件。

    Secondly , the purpose element of the crime of financial fraud .

  11. 金融诈骗罪立法背景与原理论纲

    Legislative Background of Crime of Financial Fraud and Theoretical Essentials

  12. 论金融诈骗罪及预防与对策

    On Prevention and Countermeasures of Crimes of Financial Fraud

  13. 金融诈骗犯罪对我国金融体制的危害日趋严重。

    Financial fraud crime is destroying Chinese financial system more and more seriously .

  14. 二是金融诈骗罪能否由间接故意构成。

    The secondis whether the financial fraud could be constituted by indirect intention .

  15. 诈骗偷窃罪及金融诈骗罪。

    Theft by deception , and financial identity fraud .

  16. 论金融诈骗罪的罪过形式&以目的犯基本理论为思考路径

    On The Culpability Form Of Crime Of Financial Fraud

  17. 金融诈骗罪基本问题研究

    Research into the Fundamental Issues of Financial Crimes

  18. 金融诈骗犯罪数额及犯罪形态问题研究

    Studies on Financial Fraud Amount and Crime Pattern

  19. 当时,他被公诉指控犯有金融诈骗罪,被判三年徒刑。

    He was convicted on financial charges and sentenced to three years in prison .

  20. 在中国,金融诈骗案屡见不鲜。

    In China , not a month passes by without news of financial scam .

  21. 浅议基层银行防范金融诈骗的途径

    Measures against Financial Cheating in Grass-root Bankings

  22. 试析非法占有目的在金融诈骗罪犯罪构成中的地位

    The Role of Illegal Possessing Purpose in the Constitution of a Crime of Financial Fraud

  23. 第五节金融诈骗罪

    Section 5 crimes of financial fraud

  24. 比如金融诈骗、医疗事故诊断、图像处理、信息检索和生物科学等领域。

    Such as financial fraud , medical diagnosis , image processing , information retrieval and biological sciences .

  25. 奥巴马也有很多可以抹黑对手的招数。希拉里真能理直气壮地谈金融诈骗吗?

    Mr Obama also has plenty of kitchen sinks of his own to throw at his rival .

  26. 试论西部地区防范和打击金融诈骗犯罪的问题

    How to Prevent and Take Strong Measures against Crime of Financial Fraud in the West of China

  27. 其基本构造与金融诈骗罪的基本构造是一致的。

    The basic construction of this crime is identical with that of the crime of finance fraud .

  28. 信用卡诈骗犯罪是伴随经济的逐步发展而衍生出的新型金融诈骗犯罪。

    Credit card fraud is the new financial fraud crime accompanied by the gradual development of the economy .

  29. 金融诈骗罪立法评析&从法益保护和立法模式谈起

    The Evaluation of Financial Chicane Crime Legislation Pattern & In Terms of Jural Right Protection and Legislation Pattern

  30. 相信我国很快就会融入到金融诈骗罪不设置死刑的国际大趋势中。

    Believe China will soon into financial fraud do not set up the death penalty big international trend .