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fǔ shān
  • Busan;Pusan
  1. 洪水冲垮了釜山的一座主要桥梁。

    Flood waters washed away one of the main bridges in Pusan

  2. 2018年,一只名叫金辉(音译)的奶油色博美犬在韩国港口城市釜山被活埋,差点死掉。

    Jin-hui , a cream-coloured Pomeranian , was buried alive and left for dead in 2018 in the South Korean port city of Busan .

  3. 上个月,89岁的宋章肃(SongChang-sook,音)与他的护理员跋涉200英里,从釜山来到首尔接受DNA检测。

    Last month , Song Chang-sook , 89 , traveled200 miles from Pusan with his caregiver to take a DNA test in Seoul .

  4. 图为亚太经合组织(APEC)第17届部长级会议在韩国釜山开幕。

    The picture shows the opening ceremony of the17th Ministerial Meeting of APEC in Busan , Republic of Korea .

  5. 上周末在韩国釜山召开的20国集团(g20)会议之所以令人关注,是因为人们的观点转向更早、而非更晚地开始削减政府赤字。

    The group of 20 meetings in Busan , South Korea , last weekend were notable for a shift in sentiment towards starting to reduce government deficits sooner rather than later .

  6. 为了加深合作及扩大影响力,亚洲电影大奖如今由亚洲历史最悠久的电影节――香港国际电影节(HongKongInternationalFilmFestival)、釜山国际电影节(BusanInternationalFilmFestival)和东京国际电影节(TokyoInternationalFilmFestival)联合主办,

    In a bid to broaden their relevance and scope , the awards are now jointly organized by Asia 's most-established film festivals : The Hong Kong International Film Festival , the Busan International Film Festival and the Tokyo International Film Festival .

  7. 在对航运服务集群竞争力的分析中,作者结合运用GEM模型和影响航运服务集群竞争力的一系列指标,对香港、新加坡、高雄、釜山和上海等五大航运服务集群的竞争力进行了比较和评判。

    GEM model and a series of indexes are used to compare the competitiveness of five shipping service industry clusters ( Hong Kong , Singapore , Pusan , Kaohsiung , and Shanghai ) .

  8. 然而,在上月釜山的一个20国集团(G20)领导人会议之后,这些欧元区国家政府的态度出现了180度大转弯,终于点头同意公布银行压力测试结果。

    However , after a meeting of G20 leaders in Busan last month , those same eurozone governments performed a U-turn , by finally agreeing to publish the results of such tests .

  9. 伦敦金属交易所(LME)期铜库存连续出现下降,亚洲三个仓库(分别位于韩国的釜山、光阳以及新加坡)成为库存主要流出地。

    There saw continuous drops in LME copper warehouse stocks , mainly outflowed from the three Asian warehouses located in Korea and Singapore .

  10. 作为APEC一支重要的政治与经济力量,中国可以利用这次中期审评与制定釜山路线图的机会把握和影响APEC的未来趋势。

    As a significant political and economic force in APEC , China may seize the opportunity of the mid-term stocktaking and Busan Roadmap to exert impacts on the future vision of APEC .

  11. 加拿大财长吉姆费海提(jimflaherty)在釜山会议结束后发表了讲话,从中可以看出,他对多伦多峰会的期望相当有限,远低于之前希望。

    When Jim Flaherty , Canadian Finance Minister , gave a speech after the Busan meeting , his ambitions for the Toronto summit were distinctly modest and a far cry from earlier hopes .

  12. APEC会议一结束,由釜山市出资建造的“世峰楼”将对公众开放两天,直到明年3月这里都将作为此次会议的纪念馆。

    Once APEC is over , Nurimaru house , funded from Busan 's coffers , will be open to the public for two days after the summit , and serve as a memorial hall to the event until March .

  13. 然而,本月早些时候,G20财长在韩国釜山开会时不得不承认,近期形势突显出公共财政可持续的重要性,财政面临严重挑战的国家,需要加快财政巩固步伐。

    But their finance ministers , meeting earlier this month in Busan , South Korea , were forced to accept that recent events highlight the importance of sustainable public finances and those countries with serious fiscal challenges need to accelerate the pace of consolidation .

  14. 在韩国釜山召开的20国集团(g20)财长及央行行长会议,也没有采纳全球银行税提案,这让各国政府有更大余地来实施它们认为最适于本国国情的措施。

    The meeting of the group of 20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Busan , South Korea , at the weekend also dropped proposals for a global banking levy , giving countries leeway to do what they thought best for their domestic circumstances .

  15. 韩国铁路运营部门KORAIL公司称,他们将于本周日加开一辆从南部城市釜山开往首尔的临时列车,现在这趟列车的车票已售完。

    National rail operator KORAIL said it would lay on an extra train this Sunday from the southern city of Busan and tickets for it have already been sold out .

  16. 谈釜山隧洞的钻爆法施工

    Discussion The Construction of Drill And Explode Method of FuShan Tunnel

  17. 等一下,我们不是一起去釜山嘛。

    Wait , I thought we are going to Busan together .

  18. 他到釜山来找一个叫朴万锡的人。

    He 's in Busan to meet someone named Park wansik .

  19. 第14届亚运会于9月29日在釜山开幕。

    The 14th Asian Games opened in Pusan on September 29 .

  20. 釜山亚运中国游泳遭遇日本挑战

    China to Clash with Japan Swimming Pool in Asian Games

  21. 釜山国际时装周是韩国规模最大的国际性时装发布活动之一。

    Busan Fashion Week is one of the biggest international fashion activities .

  22. 安贞焕两年前由釜山联盟俱乐部转会到佩鲁贾队。

    Ahn joined Perugia from League club Pusan I.cons two years ago .

  23. 《回忆·想象·娱乐》,卡娜阿特画廊,韩国釜山。

    " Memory-Imagination-Fun ," Gana Art , Busan , Korea .

  24. 嗨!你现在在釜山吗?

    Hey there ! Are you in Pusan right now ?

  25. 你能帮我在釜山卖些货吗?

    You gotta help me sell some shit in pusan .

  26. 釜山港城市设计&南韩釜山

    Pusan Harbor Urban Design & Pusan , South Korea

  27. 复合型枢纽港,如釜山。

    The compound one , such as Pusan port .

  28. 我会在釜山的鞋厂赚很多钱的。

    I 'll make tons of money at a shoes factory in busan .

  29. 是的,我没有去过釜山,并且至今还没有去过!

    That is right . I have never been to Pusan , ever .

  30. 如果这里被攻陷了,下面就是釜山,再然后。

    If this place is taken the next is busan , and then .