
  • 网络nail gun;nailer;staple gun
  1. 好象被人拿钉枪射中了一样。

    Looks like somebody took a staple gun to him .

  2. 省钱贴士:买拥有某个主题(水果、鸟、贝壳、棕榈树)的印花布镶在方形木框里,用钉枪自木框背面将布固定住。

    A money-saving tip : Buy patterned fabric with a theme – fruit , birds , shells , palm trees – mount on square wooden frames , and attach fabric in the back with a staple gun .

  3. 基于ANSYS软件的气动钉枪枪针组件的有限元分析

    FEM Analysis of the Air Nailer ′ s Needle Assembly Based on ANSYS Software

  4. 基于VB和ANSYS软件的气动钉枪CAE辅助分析系统

    Air Nailer CAE Aided Analysis System Based on VB and ANSYS Software

  5. 然后这哥们把他弄醒,他要用气钉枪塞到他的鼻子里,然后把胶囊射到他的脑子里。之后Tom用这玩意把那哥们干掉了,就像坏蛋一样。

    And the guy wakes up , and he shoves this gun in his nose and shoots this little capsule into his brain that he 's going to use later to kill him , as bad guys do .

  6. 气钉枪产品开发流程重组技术的研究与应用

    Research on Pneumatic Nail Gun Development Process Reengineering Technology and Its Application

  7. 气动钉枪减振手柄材料选择及有限元分析

    Pneumatic Nailer Handle Material Selection and Finite Element Analysis

  8. 基于有限元法的气动钉枪手柄的振动分析

    Vibration Analysis of the Air Nailer 's Handle Based on Finite Element Method

  9. 通过此事,我认识到:气钉枪不如一个木匠。

    I learned something : A pneumatic nail gun does not a carpenter make .

  10. 镁合金射钉枪端盖等温体积成形试验研究

    Experimental Study of Magnesium Alloy Isothermal Bulk Forming Process for Cover of Nail Gunshot Machine

  11. 电动钉枪性能评价方法研究与试验系统设计

    The Research of Electric Nail Gun Performance Evaluation Method and the Design of Test System

  12. 修正射钉枪重击爆头后死机的问题。

    Fixed occasional crash after scoring a critical hit in the head with a Railway Rifle .

  13. 卷钉枪是便携式的,用于将钉子钉入墙,木材或其他材料中。

    The nailers are hand-held tools used to project nails into drywall , wood , or other materials .

  14. 方法通过民用射钉枪射击建立大鼠开放性颅脑损伤的模型;

    Methods The open craniocerebral injury models in rat were established with a nailer gun shoot in rat head .

  15. 试想一下,一年里,你会有多少小时去使用电钻,或者电锯,打钉枪,地毯清洗机等等工具。

    What about the power saw , the nail gun , the chainsaw , and the carpet shampoo machine ?

  16. 它们是具有强大化学功能的特制工具,就像气压射钉枪和钻石钻头一样。

    They are specialty tools , akin to pneumatic nail guns and diamond drill bits , with powerful chemical functions .

  17. 气钉枪在各行各业得到越来越广泛的应用,其中枪体是一种压力容器,由铝合金压铸而成。

    The air nailer body is a kind of pressure container , it is made from aluminium alloy by die casting process .

  18. 施滕贝格等人按下了钉枪,启动了一个新时代,在这个新时代,占市场支配地位的公司的“半衰期”大幅缩短了。

    Mr Stemberg and others fired the staple-gun that launched a new era , in which the half-life of dominant companies has shortened dramatically .

  19. 事故中一把钉枪射中了这名17岁孩子,射出的钉子像一个泵一样止住了血液的流出。

    A nail gun accident sent one into this 17-year-old turns out the nail acted like a plug leaving no room for blood to seep out .

  20. 以Pro/E软件为基础,再结合其他计算机辅助技术,对气钉枪产品工业设计技术进行了研究,并实现了工业设计模块的系统原型。

    Assisted with other Computer Aided technology , this thesis studied on air nailer product ID technology with CAD software Pro / E. The systematic prototype was realized at last .

  21. 从软件设计的角度,研究气钉枪产品计算机辅助工业设计中各模块的设计原理及相关技术,并建立各模块实现流程。

    From the view of software design , the modules ' design method and related technologies about the CAID of air nailer product were explored . Then the technological process of each module achievement was schemed out .

  22. 近年来,由于建筑、装潢等行业的工人长期使用气钉枪使累积性工作伤害发生率增加,部分原因是长期使用不良设计的气钉枪手柄。

    In recent years , owing to construction , decoration and other industries workers long-time use pneumatic nail gun to make the rate of cumulative injury incidence increased , part reason due to they long - time use poorly designed pneumatic nail gun handle .

  23. 通过参数化设计的基本内容约束和特征的分析,研究了参数化设计的实现方法和过程;根据气钉枪零部件的特点,研究了气钉枪零部件参数化的实现过程。

    By the analysis of the basic elements constraints and characteristics of the parameters design , the application methods and procedure of the parameters design is studied ; In accordance with the features of air nailer components , the implementation of parameters process is presented .