
  • 网络Nail hole;pin holes;Counter Sunk
  1. 结果由于X射线对天花、地面、墙身、门、窗影响最大,故搭挂铅皮均应注意钉孔的保护,以免X射线从钉孔泄漏。

    Results X-ray has great impact on the ceiling , wall , door and windows . Therefore in setting up the lead protective shield , nail-holes should be carefully covered to prevent the leaking of X-ray .

  2. 实际结构钉孔接触的弹塑性有限元分析

    Elasto-plastic finite element analysis of screw-hole contact in actual structures

  3. 钉孔挤压强化三维弹塑性有限元分析

    On Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Coldworked Fastener Hole Using Flow Theory

  4. 座舱玻璃钉孔裂纹图像测量

    Image Measuring of Cracks on the Windshield Rivet Holes

  5. 根据接骨板钉孔与螺钉的参数,设计了多轴锁定环。

    Plate nail holes and screw parameters , design of polyaxis locking ring .

  6. 钉孔挤压或干涉配合强化后元件疲劳寿命的一种可靠性分析方法

    A reliability analysis method on the fatigue lives of interference-fit or coldworking strengthened parts

  7. 做螺丝钉孔的工具。

    A tool for making a countersink .

  8. 疲劳寿命计算中钉孔填充作用系数的取值研究

    A Study on the Filling Factor in a Rivet Hole in the Calculation of Fatigue Life

  9. 钉孔挤压强化弹塑性计算中形变理论适用性探讨

    An adaptive study of deformation theory in elasto-plastic computation for the process of coldworking fastener hole

  10. 结论钢板边缘末位螺丝钉孔处再骨折的发生,主要与钢板两端应力集中有关。

    Conclusion : The main reason of refracture through the last screw hole in plate fixation is over-stress concentration .

  11. 这所漂亮的房子里没有留下任何一处斑点、污渍或是小洞,甚至在墙上你也找不到一个曾因为挂过画而留下的小钉孔!

    Not even on the walls could you find a small nail hole that would have held a picture .

  12. 通过工艺参数试验,得出了垫圈尺寸、铆钉外伸量、钉孔间隙等参数,经损伤检测分析,此参数选择合理。

    The diameter of washer , the shank length of rivet and clearance of rivet hole were all got from craft experiments .

  13. 结论翼状解剖型钢板远端螺钉孔为长椭圆形且有连续钉孔,适合于严重粉碎骨折;

    As it has long oval holes and the holes are consecutive , the aliform anatomical plate is more suitable for severe complicated fractures .

  14. 在明缝与楼层施工缝、阴阳角、墙体端部、钉孔、预埋件等部位,改进了模板的支撑体系,拆模后混凝土外观尺寸准确、棱角方正、线条顺直;

    And formwork support system has been renovated for the locations where there are joint , corner , wall end , nail hole and embedment .

  15. 结论经钉孔植骨治疗错位型股骨颈骨折的方法具有创伤小,骨折愈合快等优点,对防止股骨头坏死作用不明显。

    Conclusion The technique has obvious advantages of less trauma and accelerating bone healing , but ineffetiveness preventing from ischemic necrosis of the femoral head .

  16. 通过本文的设计分析,达到了减轻结构重量以及降低连接接头各钉孔边应力集中的双重工作目标,得到了若干具有工程意义的结论。

    This research work reaches the dual destinations of decreasing the joint weight and the stress concentration , and provides some significant conclusions for engineering practice .

  17. 干涉配合是改善铆接接头疲劳性能和钉孔自身密封性能的一项有效的工艺措施。

    In the case of interference fit , the amount of interference has significant effect on fatigue , closeness and stress corrosion of the rivet joints .

  18. 工程中的挤压过程大都采用较大的挤压量,所以,形变理论不适合计算钉孔挤压的残余应力场。

    For the process of coldworking hole , M is generally not small , therefore deformation theory is fit for computing the residual stress around a coldworked fastener hole .

  19. 用白光反射式传感器实现机器人自主寻迹导航在本系统中,利用安装在导航机器人的末端法兰上的定位盒,使用数学几何模型计算出髓内钉孔路径。

    Usage of the reflected white-light sensor in automatic guiding robot We mount marker cube on the guiding robot and calculate the position and orientation of hole in intramedullary nail .

  20. 用变分方法满足含钉孔有限大板边界条件并确定级数中的系数与应力集中系数;

    Next , the variational method is applied to satisfy the boundary conditions of a plate with a pin hole . Then , the coefficients in Laurent series and the stress concentration factor can be determined .

  21. 另外基于力反馈的虚拟装配技术还有很大的发展空间,不仅可以进行钉孔装配,还可以进行其它更多类型的装配。

    Moreover based on force feedback of virtual assembly technology also has the very big development space , not only may carry on the nail hole assembly , but may also carry on other more types the assemblies .

  22. 用户在应用这个程序进行钉孔的虚拟装配时会感受到力的反馈,使得用户可以借助力的反馈区分不同直径的钉子以及不同的润滑,从而很好的证明了此应用程序是行之有效的。

    Users can feel force feedback in hole of virtual assembly in the application of this program , users can use force feedback distinguish different diameter nails and different lubrication , thus good proved this application is effective .

  23. 该级数逐项满足弹性力学所有基本方程、裂纹表面边界条件与绕钉孔的合力平衡条件以及位移单值条件。

    These series satisfy all of the governing equations , crack surface boundary conditions term by term . Furthermore , some additional multi-valued terms in these series are introduced to satisfy the prescribed resultant conditions of forces and single-valued conditions of displacements around pin-holes .

  24. 目的研究增加螺钉直径和长度、钉孔内植骨以及聚四氟乙烯膨胀螺栓强化这四种椎弓根螺钉翻修方法所各自产生的最大轴向拔出力和最大置入扭矩变化,以确定椎弓根螺钉的最佳翻修方法。

    Objective To determine the best method of revision for failed pedicle screw by investigating the change in maximum insertional torque and axial pullout strength after placing a larger diameter and / or longer screw or augmenting the failed hole with bone shims or PMMA .

  25. 结论:长管状骨皮质上的螺钉孔直径在管状骨外径的(16.69±0.66)%以内,且穿过双侧皮质的钉孔数量为3个以下时,可不影响其弯曲性能;

    CONCLUSION : If the diameter of screw hole on the cortex of long tubular bone is within ( 16.69 ± 0.66 ) % of bone cortical outer diameter , and there are only 3 bi cortical holes or less , the bending load does not decrease ;

  26. 微骨刀近端配有可拆卸的螺帽,其远端为4枚锋利的钢钉,孔距为4mm,其连线呈正方形,孔隙深4mm,可深达松质骨内。

    There was a detachable nut at the proximate end of the knife and four sharp steel nails at the distal end with pore distance of 4 mm , and a square line ; the pore was 4 mm in depth , which could reach cancellous bone .

  27. 钉载孔挤压强化元件疲劳寿命研究

    A simple study on fatigue life for coldworked fastener holes

  28. 钉载孔边裂纹的应力强度因子

    Stress Intensity Factors for Cracks Emanating from Pin-Loaded Holes

  29. 设制髓内钉定位孔及安锁定位装置。

    The localization aid in the distal locking device of interlocking nail was designed .

  30. 钉载孔挤压强化疲劳试验及断口分析

    On Fatigue Testing and Fracture Analysis of Coldworked Fastener Holes under Pin and By-Pass Loadings