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  • 网络koga;steel tooth;Kouga
  1. 钢牙奇奇和大鼻帝帝喜欢听克拉瑞丝歌唱。

    Chip and Dale love to hear Clarice sing .

  2. 螺纹钢牙筋长度不足的原因及解决办法

    Length insufficience of reinforced bar tooth and settlement method

  3. 分析了影响螺纹钢牙筋长度的原因。

    The cause of influence on reinforced bar tooth length has been analyzed .

  4. 站在巨大的玻璃屋顶下,呜兹被眼前的景象骇住了,大张着的嘴巴再也合不拢,木棒也从钢牙下啪嗒掉在地上,砸到了自己的脚趾都没有感觉。

    Standing under a huge glass roof , Woods was a sight that startle is stayed , wide open mouth never close , stick out from the steel teeth snapped under the ground , hit his toes did not feel .