
  • 网络CANFLEX-SEU;uranium
  1. 介绍CANDU堆的天然铀燃料循环以及最近开发的适合未来近期的先进燃料循环。

    In this paper the natural uranium fuel Cycle and currently developed advanced CANDU fuel cycles in the near future are described .

  2. 铀燃料元件厂的空气净化

    Air cleaning of uranium fuel element plant s

  3. 针对HTGR钍、铀燃料元件高燃耗、~(232)U含量高的特点提出了酸式进料的单循环溶剂萃取流程,并进行了串级实验。

    For reprocessing high burn-up fuel from HTGR , a single cycle process by solvent extraction with acid feed solution is suggested .

  4. 研究了一种处理高燃耗钍铀燃料的酸式Thorex流程。

    A modified acid-thorex process for reprocessing of high burn-up Th-U fuel has been developed .

  5. 用于钍&铀燃料后处理萃取工艺中的添加剂研究

    Research on additives in reprocessing of Th-U fuel by solvent Extracton process

  6. 高温气冷堆钍铀燃料后处理溶剂萃取工艺研究

    Research on solvent extraction process for reprocessing of Th-U fuel from HTGR

  7. 研究、试验堆低浓铀燃料的发展状况

    Development Status of Low-Enriched Fuel for Research and test Reactors

  8. 零功率反应堆响应函数压水堆平衡堆芯钍铀燃料循环初步研究

    Preliminary study on thorium-uranium fuel cycle in the equilibrium core of PWR

  9. 通过与铀燃料的对比,展示了含钍燃料在安全性和经济性上的特点。

    Compared with uranium fuel , thorium fuel manifests its characteristics in safety and economics .

  10. 伊朗最终拒绝了这项提议,之后它宣布正在自行浓缩所需的铀燃料。

    Iran ultimately rejected the offer , and has since declared that it is enriching its own uranium fuel supplies .

  11. 钍-铀燃料后处理中新萃取剂的研究&Ⅱ.亚砜类的研究及其结构与性能的关系

    The studies on novel extractants in reprocessing of spent thorium-uranium fuel I . Sulfoxides and their structure and extracting ability

  12. 对辐照过的低富集氧化铀燃料的燃耗与中子发射强度间的关系进行分析和研究。

    The relationship between burnup and neutron emission intensity of the irradiated low-enrichment uranium oxide fuel was analyzed and studied .

  13. 本文介绍了应用级联撞击器和佩戴口罩的人头模型在天然铀燃料元件加工现场测定吸入气溶胶粒度的方法。

    This paper describes a method for measuring particle size of inhaled aerosol with a phantom of human head wearing dust-proof mask anda cascade impactor .

  14. 过去48个小时期间,人们的关注焦点已从反应堆本身,转向为过热的放射性铀燃料储存池注水的需要。

    Concern over the past 48 hours has switched from the reactors themselves to the need to refill water storage tanks containing overheating radioactive uranium .

  15. 人们担心,储存在里面一个水槽内的乏铀燃料已经暴露,由此将更多的放射性微粒释放到空气中。

    Spent uranium fuel stored in a water tank in the building was feared   to   have   been exposed , releasing more radioactive particles into the air .

  16. 纽兰说,国际社会正期盼俄罗斯确保核材料不致从该设施中转移,并确保收回用过的铀燃料。

    Nuland said the international community is looking to Russia to ensure that nuclear materials are not diverted from the facility and that it takes back the spent uranium fuel .

  17. 为执行这份时间表,东电的工程技术人员必须冷却放射性的铀燃料,并处理厂房地下积聚的数千吨受到污染的冷却水。

    To meet the timetable , TEPCO engineers must cool down radioactive uranium fuel and deal with thousands of tonnes of contaminated coolant water that has collected under the site .

  18. 国际原子能机构前不久提出一项协议草案,伊朗研究用核反应堆所需的高纯度浓缩铀燃料棒将由其他国家提供,而非自行生产。

    UN nuclear watchdog IAEA has brokered a draft deal proposal which called for providing to Iran the enriched uranium it needs for research use by other countries , not producing the fuel rods by itself .

  19. 专家们说,部分熔毁很可能意味着这两个核反应堆的铀燃料棒已经因为过热而破裂或扭曲,开始向反应堆外部容器释放放射性物质。

    A partial meltdown , experts said , would likely mean that the reactors ' uranium fuel rods had cracked or warped in places from overheating , releasing radioactive particles into the reactors ' containment vessels .

  20. 这种堆的设计概念的基本出发点是使用天然铀燃料,这一选择决定了其它几个有利的选择,例如采用重水慢化剂、不停堆换料以及计算机控制。

    The fundamental starting point of the concept is the use of natural uranium fuel . This choice determined several other positive choices , such as heavy water moderator , on power fuelling , and computer control .

  21. 他说,中国科学家学会了提炼和重新使用核电厂的钸和铀燃料棒,但是这位官员说,他们还需要十年的时间才能大规模使用核燃料再生技术。

    Scientists have learned how to extract and re-use plutonium and uranium from the fuel rods in nuclear power plants , but the official said it will be10 years before they can do it on a large scale .

  22. 虽然核聚变的前景非常诱人,但更多的创业公司可能活跃在核裂变领域,他们研究的一些新方法比行业现有的对铀燃料棒进行裂变然后用水冷却、稳定的方法要先进得多。

    As intriguing as fusion is , there is probably more startup activity in fission , where novel approaches promise great improvements over the industry 's addiction to fissioning solid uranium fuel rods then cooling and moderating them with water .

  23. 给出了低浓铀燃料元件结合层超声反射回波相位幅度信息理论分析和计算方法,也讨论了不同结合率对回波相位与幅度的作用。

    The theoretical analysis and calculation for the amplitude and phase of ultrasonic echoes from the bonding layers of low enriched fuel elements are introduced . The effect of different bonding rates on the amplitude and phase is also described .

  24. 高加浓铀乏燃料后处理1A槽性能研究

    Study on Behaviour of 1A Mixer-settler for the Spent Fuel Reprocessing of High-enriched Uranium

  25. 最早为生产用的反应堆,必须使用普通铀作为燃料。

    The earliest production reactors necessarily used normal uranium as fuel .

  26. 以高浓铀为燃料的快堆燃耗近似计算方法

    An Approximate Method to Calculate the Burnup of a Highly Enriched Uranium FTR

  27. 钍铀核燃料循环研究

    Study on the thorium - uranium fuel cycle

  28. 固定床燃烧系统概念设计&钍-铀循环燃料后处理首端过程研究

    Conceptual design of fixed bed burning system : a study of the head-end process for Th-U nuclear fuel cycle in HTGR

  29. 该核电站以俄罗斯生产的铀为燃料,受联合国国际原子能机构监督。

    The plant is fueled by uranium produced in Russia and is monitored by the United Nations ' International Atomic Energy Agency .

  30. 并对如何使用此再制的核燃料提出两种方案,分别适用于压水堆和以天然铀为燃料的坎杜重水堆。

    Scheme B in the article , i.e. a method of using the rebuilt used fuel from PWR to replace the natural uranium fuel for HWR , was discussed .