
  • 网络uranium mining and metallurgy
  1. 浅述铀矿冶辐射防护仪器能量阈统调问题

    Energy threshold of radiation protection instruments in uranium mining and metallurgy

  2. 《铀矿冶》(季刊)总目次

    《 uranium mining and metallurgy 》( quarterly ) contents

  3. 本文综述了X射线荧光光谱法在铀矿冶及地质分析中的应用,对分析技术及制样方法也作了简要介绍。

    This paper reviews the application of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in the uranium ore processing and geology analysis . The analysis techniques and sampling methods are also given here .

  4. 铀矿冶放射性污染金属熔炼去污探讨

    Discussion on decontaminating with melting technology to radioactive pollution metals

  5. 中国铀矿冶生产技术进展综述

    Overview of technical progresses in uranium mining and metallurgical industry in China

  6. 江西某铀矿冶工程环境影响预测和评价

    Environment forecast and evaluation for a uranium mining and metallurgy project in Jiangxi

  7. 铀矿冶设施退役的工作程序

    Procedure of uranium mine and mill facilities decommissioning work

  8. 试论铀矿冶工业的辐射防护问题

    On radiation protection in uranium mining and metallurgical industries

  9. 我国铀矿冶设施辐射影响的降低与辐射防护最优化

    Decrease of radiation impact of uranium mining and metallurgy facilities and ALARA in China

  10. 铀矿冶工人淋浴和工作服清洗去污效果的探讨

    Decontamination effects of shower-bath and cleaning of work clothes in uranium mining and metallurgy

  11. 依靠科技进步发展铀矿冶

    Developing uranium mining and metallurgy on the basis of progress of science and technology

  12. 铀矿冶设施退役工程治理技术及有关问题的研究

    The disposal techniques and correlation problems of uranium mine and mill facilities decommissioning project

  13. 对铀矿冶企业历年因工伤亡事故的分析及搞好安全生产的意见

    Analysis of accidents in uranium m in ES and suggestions on safety in production

  14. 我国铀矿冶技术成就和今后发展方向

    Achievements in technologies of china 's uranium mining and metallurgy and developments in future

  15. 对我国铀矿冶设施退役问题的探讨

    Exploration on the problems of decommissioning of uranium mine and mill facilities in China

  16. 浅谈抚州铀矿降低铀矿冶生产成本的主要途径

    Preliminary analysis about reducing production costs in uranium mining and metallurgy at Fuzhou Uranium Mine

  17. 方波伏安法测定铀矿冶环境水样中的钛

    Determination of titanium in uranium mining and metallurgy environment water samples with square wave voltammetry

  18. 铀矿冶退役的放射性污染去污的方法和途径探讨

    Discussion on radioactive pollution decontaminating means and ways about decommission of uranium mines and mills

  19. 澳大利亚铀矿冶设施退役技术考察报告

    An investigation report on the decommissioning technologies of uranium mining and mill facilities in Australia

  20. 努力办好《铀矿冶》,推动铀工业创新和技术进步

    Better the umm , promote the technology and innovation of uranium mining and metallurgy industry

  21. 回顾与展望&献给《铀矿冶》创刊10周年火花上的云南百年

    RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT Centennial Yunnan on Matchbox

  22. 罗马尼亚的铀矿冶工业

    Uranium mining and milling in Romania

  23. 办好《铀矿冶》,为铀矿冶事业发展作出新贡献

    Perfect the umm , make new contributions to the development of the uranium mining and metallurgy industry

  24. 核工业铀矿冶职业辐射照射问题及其建议

    Occupational radiation exposure to uranium mine & mill workers of CNNC and suggestions on reducing the exposure

  25. 对开发利用大孔离子交换树脂深度净化铀矿冶废水技术进行了研究。

    Developing macroporous resin for purifying uranium effluent from uranium mining and metallurgy is presented in this paper .

  26. 通过最优化分析,提出了可接受与合理达到、切合我国铀矿冶实际状况的个人剂量约束值。

    Through the optimization analysis , the acceptable , reasonable and practical personal dose constraint value has been suggested .

  27. 中国矿山技术经济研究会成立铀矿冶分会

    An affiliated society of uranium mining and hydrometallurgy formed as a branch of Chinese Society for technical and economical study

  28. 加快科技进步,为21世纪铀矿冶发展作出新贡献

    Make new contribution to the development of uranium mining and metallurgy in 21st century , based on scientific and technological progresses

  29. 南华大学铀矿冶生物技术国防重点学科实验室;

    Key Discipline Laboratory for National Defence for Biotechnology in Uranium Mining and Hydrometallurgy , University of South China ; 2 .

  30. 离子交换法深度净化铀矿冶废水中铀的研究(Ⅰ)开发大孔离子交换树脂

    Research on deeply purifying effluent from uranium mining and metallurgy to remove uranium by ion exchange ( 1 ) developing macroporous resin