- ferrite

There are plenty ledges and super ledges in bainitic ferrite and Cu-Zn-Al alloys .
Effect of Precipitation of Nb on Deformation Induced Ferrite Transformation
Bainitic transformation units and formation of martensite-like bainite in Fe-C alloys
Flow stress curves of ferrite / pearlite steels were calculated based on unit cell model .
Chemical State of Cosegregation of P and Ce at Ferrite Grain Boundary
Effect of cooling rate on the formation of acicular ferrite in Ti deoxidized steel
Induced into E. investigation on the conditions of strain - induced ferrite transformation of low carbon steel
A large number of nanometer TiC particles distributed on dislocations in ferrite .
Vanadium restrains the deformation induced ferrite transformation but hinders the grain growth of ferrite and acts as a grain refinement .
Effects of Ti on strengthening of ODS ferritic alloy for advanced FBR cladding application
Additionally , they are also the potential candidate for structural steel in nuclear reactors because of its outstanding irradiation resistance .
Observations were demonstrated of 3 different types of the fatigue crack propagation of pearlitic structure : type A & the crack intersects the multiple ferrites and cementites simultaneously ;
The fine structure of bainite and the morphology and distribution of carbides in steels were investigated with TEM .
This paper outlines welding consumables of high Cr ferritic heat resistant steels used for steam power boilers and its recent trend .
During deformation , Nb ( CN ) precipitated and the retardation of C and Nb in austenite was reduced .
Modeling of grain growth in HAZ of a ferrite stainless steel
Precipitation of fine particles of TiC and ferrite grain refinement during rolling and cooling can increase strength .
With the sample workpieces lubricated during ferritic rolling and coiled at high temperature , the maximum plastic strain ratio of sample was 1.38 with elongation over 50 % .
The morphologies of ledges and interfacial strictures in bainitic ferrite and in bainite of Cu-Zn-Al alloys with TEM and HREM have been observed .
And it also can eliminate C and N interstitial atoms in steel , restrain the creation of pearlite , clean ferrite grain boundary , increase ferrite evenness and obviously increase corrosion resisting property .
Granular bainitic structure formed by bainitic ferrite matrix and uniformly distributed M / A components can be obtained under hot-rolling state by means of Nb and B alloying .
It was shown that the micro addition of niobium could retard the ferrite transformation and increase the hardness of the transformed microstructure .
Size distribution and precipitation of VC particles in the ferritic nodular cast iron have been examined by techniques of ultrasonic screening , small angle X-ray scattering and chemical dissolution .
The amount of Nb precipitates increases with holding time , and the amount of induced ferrite increases remarkably after second pass of rolling .
The coarsening tendency of ultra-fine ferrite grains produced by deformation-enhanced transformation was investigated at simulated coiling temperatures by thermal simulating tests in four low carbon steels containing different C and Mn contents .
Modeling of subsequent ferrite formation in C-Mn steel after austenite hot deformation
DP and TRIP steels were respectively obtained from the same steel after different heat treatment , and some mechanical properties of the two steels were compared .
At annealing temperatures of 300 ~ 500 ℃ for 1 h , the submicrometer ferrite microstructure is relatively stable with negligible grain growth .
With the sublattice model , equilibrium compositions of ferrite (α) and austenite (γ) phases , as well as the volume percent of austenite (γ) at 780 ℃ in different TRIP steels are calculated .
SEM analysis show that the microstructure exists in healing area is mostly ferrite . The healing process is controlled by the diffusion and migration of Fe atoms from steel matrix to crack zone .