
  • 网络biological materials;natural biomaterial;biomaterial
  1. 血.管、膜管等天然生物材料虽与机体有极好的生物相容性,但缺点在于存在管型塌陷、再生不良等问题。

    Vascular , membrane tubes and other natural biological materials have excellent biocompatibility with the body , but the drawback is that there are tube-type collapse , aplasia and other issues .

  2. 天然生物材料壳聚糖支架上人胚肺成纤维细胞的生长

    Growth of Human Fetal Lung Fibroblasts on the Natural Biomaterial - Chitosan Scaffold

  3. FG作为一种天然生物材料可以为MCSC的生长和向心肌细胞分化提供良好的微环境。

    FG as a natural biomaterial may provide a favorable microenvironment for the growth and differentiation of MCSC towards cardiomyocytes .

  4. 天然生物材料构建组织工程支架的研究进展

    Study Advances in Natural Biomaterials Used as Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering

  5. 天然生物材料结构特征及仿生材料的发展趋势

    Structural Characteristics in Natural Biomaterials and Developing Trend of Bionic Material

  6. 组织工程天然生物材料支架的特征

    Characteristics of natural biomaterials scaffold of tissue engineering

  7. 天然生物材料的组织结构特征及其与性能间的关系研究对于材料的仿生设计有重要意义。

    Microstructure of nacre is significant to understand the behavior of nacre and the biomimetic designing of materials .

  8. 本文就几种的天然生物材料在皮肤组织工程中的研究和应用作一综述。

    In this article , we review several native biomaterials about its study and application in skin tissue engineering .

  9. 本文对天然生物材料、合成高分子可降解材料和复合材料等血管组织工程支架材料进行了综述。

    A lot of vascular scaffold materials were reviewed , such as natural biomaterials , synthetic and degradable polymer composites .

  10. 近年来,天然生物材料因其与正常组织近似的结构特性及成分构成,成为组织工程领域的研究热点。

    Recently , for the similar structure and composition with native tissue , natural biological scaffold has become more attractive .

  11. 牛心包是一种以Ⅰ型胶原为主要成分,具有良好机械力学性能的天然生物材料。

    Bovine pericardium ( BP ) is a kind of natural biomaterial which is mainly composed of type I collagen .

  12. 天然生物材料精巧的结构和独特的功能为许多工程技术问题的解决提供了仿生学基础。

    The smart structures and special functions of natural biomaterials provide some biomimetic clues for solving many technical problems in engineering .

  13. 该研究为轻质复合材料结构的设计和天然生物材料摩擦学的研究提供了仿生学参考。

    This study provided the bionics reference for the design of light composite materials structure and the natural biological material tribology research .

  14. 主要内容包括生物化学基础、天然生物材料、生物医学材料、生物化学材料、仿生材料学简介等。

    The course of biomaterials mainly includes biochemistry foundation , inartificial biomaterials , biomedical materials , biochemical materials , survey for biomimetic material science .

  15. 壳聚糖是一种极具发展潜力的天然生物材料,其在生物医学领域的研究和应用越来越受到重视。

    As a kind of promising natural biomaterial , the research and application of chitosan in the field of biology and medicine arouse more and more emphasis .

  16. 简要地介绍了贝壳珍珠层天然生物材料的结构特征,进而综述了仿生材料的研究现状。

    The characteristic of structure of shell nacre and some kinds of natural biomaterial are briefly introduced , and the research and recent developments of biomimetic materials are reviewed .

  17. 海藻酸钠作为可降解天然生物材料,凭借其来源丰富、价格低廉、生物相容性良好等优点正逐步成为组织工程学研究的热点之一。

    To evaluate the biocompatibility of nacre . Sodium alginate as a kind of degradable biomedical materials , is more and more popular in the field of tissue engineering .

  18. 天然生物材料的研究逐渐从宏观转向微观,其微观结构将为人工材料的设计提供有益的参考。

    More and more attentions have been paid to the micro property of biomaterials . The microstructure of biomaterials will offer an evaluable reference for design of some artificial materials .

  19. 结果表明,除了人工合成的聚合物类材料之外,一些天然生物材料也可作为骨组织工程理想的支架材料。

    The results showed , in addition to PLA , PGA , PLGA and other synthetic polymers , some natural biomaterials are also ideal scaffolds materials for bone tissue engineering .

  20. 目的:归纳总结目前国内外组织生物工程天然生物材料支架在结构和性能上的特点与问题及解决的方法和技术。

    AIM To sum up the characteristics and problems as well as the method and technology to solve these problems in structure and performance of tissue-bioengineered natural biomaterials scaffold at home and abroad .

  21. 研制了珊瑚、珊瑚羟基磷灰石、松质骨基质和其他一些天然生物材料,用作成骨细胞培养的支架材料。探讨用珊瑚等天然生物材料做骨组织工程支架材料的可行性。

    To investigate the feasibility of using coral and other materials as scaffolds for bone tissue engineering , coral , coral hydroxyapatite ( CHA ), cancellous bone matrix and other natural biomaterials served as culture scaffolds of osteoblasts were manufactured .

  22. 天然生物材料,修复效果较好但生物力学性能差,不能提供移植后的即时应力支撑,造成移植组织的有害应力损害和周围软骨的异常应力集中,影响修复效果。

    Natural materials have good repairing effect but poor biomechanical property , so they can not provide timely stress support after transplantation , which results in harmful stress damage of transplanted tissue and abnormal stress concentration around the cartilage and affects the recovery effect .

  23. 天然生物材料最大优点是可降解、生物相容性好,降解产物易于被吸收而不产生炎症反应,但是存在力学性能差,降解性能不易调控。

    The best quality of degradable native material is superordinary biocompatibility ; degradation products will be easily absorbed and will not bring about inflammatory reaction . But the mechanical performance of native material is not satisfactory ; furthermore , the degradation progression cannot be regulated readily .

  24. 结论:自制NECM具有良好的生物相容性,有可能成为理想的天然生物支架材料。

    Conclusion : Self designed NECM has good biocompatibility and may become an ideal biological scaffold material for cell culture of tissue engineering .

  25. 结果表明:韧带是由文石纤维和蛋白质组成的二维天然生物光子材料。

    The results show that the ligament is a natural bio-photonic material composed of aragonite fibers and proteins .

  26. 组织工程血管支架材料主要分为人工合成的生物可降解高分子聚合物和天然生物支架材料两大类。

    To date , two major categories of vascular scaffolding materials have been employed : synthetic polymers and natural collagen derivatives .

  27. 资料综合:27篇文献涉及到不同类型的支架材料,包括人工合成的生物降解聚合物和天然生物衍生材料。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : Various scaffolds were reviewed in twenty-seven articles , such as artificial biodegradable synthetic polymers and natural biological organism derived materials .

  28. 天然生物衍生材料主要包括胶原、氨基匍聚糖、纤维蛋白凝胶、透明质酸、几丁质及脱细胞处理后的天然细胞外基质等。

    The natural biological organism derived materials included mainly collagen , fibrin gelatum , hyaluronic acid , chitin and natural extracellular matrix after acellular disposal , etc.

  29. 随着组织工程技术的发展,应用天然的生物材料(如组织脱细胞基质)重建或修复尿道已经在临床上取得了一系列可喜的成果。

    With the development of tissue engineering techniques , some gratifying results has been achieved on the urethra reconstruction or repair with the natural biological materials ( acellular matrix material ) .

  30. 目的:组织工程产品一般由具有活力的细胞和支架材料组成。支架材料包括人工合成的生物降解聚合物和天然生物衍生材料两大类,均具有促进细胞生长和增殖的特性。

    OBJECTIVE : Tissue-engineered skins ( TES ) are composed of living cells and support structure called a scaffold commonly that comprises two types , biodegradable synthetic polymers and natural biological organism derived materials , which stimulate cell growth and multiplication .