
  • 网络natural resin;Rosin
  1. 天然树脂通常是透明的,或者是半透明的黄色到棕色物,能够熔化和燃烧。

    Natural resins are usually transparent or translucent yellow to brown and can melt and burn .

  2. 为改进国内液体鞋油产品的质量,研制出用直接乳化蜡溶液,配以天然树脂M和合成树脂N,并添加各种助剂的工艺。

    In order to improve the quality of liquid shoe-polish at home , the technology of emulsifying wax solution directly is developed , by adding the natural resin M. the synthetic resin N and various additives .

  3. 研究了有机碱试剂,氢氧化四甲铵(tetramethylammoniumhydroxideTMAH)共存下的反应热裂解气相色谱(Py-GC)应用于天然树脂紫胶的化学组成分析。

    Reactive pyrolysis gas chromatography ( Py-GC ) in the presence of an organic alkali , tetramethylammonium hydroxide (( CH3 ) 4NOH , TMAH ), was applied to the compositional analysis of natural resin shellac .

  4. 松香是一种具有重大经济价值的天然树脂。

    Gum rosin is a kind of natural resin with high economic value .

  5. 天然树脂局部结构的径向分布函数研究

    An investigation on the partial structures of natural RESINES by radial distribution function

  6. 他们最开始的口香糖是产自南美的一种树的天然树脂。

    They once chewed chicle , a natural gum derived from several species of South American trees .

  7. 紫胶又叫做虫胶,是一种寄生于热带植物的紫胶虫分泌出的棕红色天然树脂。

    Shellac which is also known as lac is a natural brown resin secreted by lac insects grown in tropical plants .

  8. 如果经济条件允许,自然典雅的实木家具可以作为首选,以天然树脂装饰的家具也是较好选择。

    If economic conditions , natural elegance of solid wood furniture can be used as the first choice to decorate the natural resin furniture is also a good choice .

  9. 松香是一种可再生的天然树脂和重要化工原料,广西拥有丰富的松香资源,年产量约18万吨。

    Rosin is a kind of renewable natural resin and important chemical material . There are abundant rosin resource in Guangxi province , Guangxi province had produced 180,000 tons rosin one year .

  10. 所谓塑料,其实它是合成树脂中的一种,形状跟天然树脂中的松树脂相似,但因又经过化学的力量来合成,而被称之为塑料。

    The so-called plastic , it is in fact a kind of synthetic resin , the shape with the natural resin of pine resin in the similar , but has the power to synthesize chemically , and is called plastic .

  11. 新型天然橡胶吸油树脂的研制及其性能研究

    Synthesis and Properties of Oil Absorptive Resin Based on Natural Rubber

  12. 天然牙和树脂牙体外三体磨粒磨损性能研究

    Comparative Study of the Three-Body Abrasive Wear Behavior of Natural Human Teeth and Plastic Teeth

  13. 结果表明:天然牙和树脂牙在不同磨损工况下的摩擦磨损行为存在显著差异;

    It was found that the natural teeth and the plastic teeth all showed different tribological behaviors in two - and three-body abrasion .

  14. 天然橡胶吸油树脂对甲苯的最大吸收率为25.0,对煤油的最大吸收率为26.6。

    Maximum oil absorbency of the resin was 25.0 g / g for toluene , 26.6 g / g for kerosene in this work .

  15. A2色的天然牙与成品树脂牙的同色异谱效应分析

    Metameric effect between natural teeth and resin teeth of A2 shade

  16. 对纯化高粱淀粉过程中所得到的淀粉共生天然色素进行了树脂分离纯化研究。

    Natural pigments associated with starch that were obtained during the purification of sorghum starch were isolated and purified by resin .

  17. 天然竹子纤维增强树脂复合材料是利用自然资源,采用先进复合材料的层压工艺制成,是一种性能良好的,可应用的结构材料,已发表的研究竹/树脂的工作很少。

    Bamboo reinforced epoxy possesses reasonably good properties to warrant its use as a structural material , and is fabricated by utilizing bamboo , an abundant natural resource , in the technology of fibre composites . Literature on bamboo / plastics composites is rare .

  18. 本文考察了降解天然胶乳与萜烯树脂乳液组成的水乳型橡胶压敏胶成膜过程中,烘干温度和时间对胶膜微观结构及宏观性能的影响,探讨了微观结构与宏观性能的关系。

    The effects of drying temperature and time on the microstructure and properties of adhesive film formed with water & based rubber pressure sensitive adhesive ( PSA ), consisting of degraded natural latex and emulsion of polyterpene resin , were studied . The relation of microstructure to properties is discussed .