
  • 网络Storage;storage system;memory system
  1. 可快速响应的虚拟三级存储系统RAT

    Virtual tertiary storage system RAT with fast response performance

  2. 基于USBHost的语音采集存储系统设计

    The Voice Acquisition and Storage System Design Base on USB HOST

  3. 基于IP的高可用海量网络存储系统的研究

    IP-based high-available mass network storage system

  4. 嵌入式USB主机大容量实时存储系统的研制

    The development of embedded USB Host applying to mass real-time storage system

  5. 当前,绝大多数分布式共享存储系统采用基于目录的Cache一致性协议。

    Most DSM ( Distributed Shared Memory ) systems use directory-based cache-coherent protocols .

  6. OS虚存技术与双缓冲结合&Sambase对象存储系统

    Combining virtual memory techniques and dual-buffer strategy ── sambase object storage system

  7. 附网存储系统(NAS-NetworkAttachedStorage)的实现需要三方(即服务器、客户机和磁盘阵列)通信协议的支持。

    The realization of network attached storage system ( NASS ) needs the support of the three-hand communication protocol .

  8. 存储系统的集中式Cache替换算法

    Central Cache replacement algorithm for storage system

  9. 最新SSD技术与PC存储系统结构改进的研究

    Newest SSD Technology and PC Memory System Structure Improvement Research

  10. 本文以嵌入式Linux操作系统为基础,针对以上情况实现并优化了网络磁盘阵列存储系统。

    In this paper , a network storage system is discussed and achieved which runs on embedded Linux .

  11. 基于LDAP的对象存储系统元数据的组织与管理

    LDAP-Based Organization and Management of the Metadata in Object-Based Storage Systems

  12. 一种面向服务的P2P存储系统模型

    Service-oriented P2P Storage System Model

  13. 文章围绕由华中科技大学信息存储系统实验室研制的对等存储系统穴HustdAtastoragesystemlabPeer-to-PeerstoragesYstem熏HAPPY雪,对其系统结构、工作原理、扩展性、容错性进行了介绍。

    This paper surrounds Hust data storage system lab Peer-to-Peer storage system , introduces its archi-tecture , work theory , scalability and fault tolerant .

  14. 然而,Flash存储器必须先擦除后写入,这对存储系统的设计提出了挑战。

    But Flash Memory must be wrote after erasure operation , which brings forward challenge for storage system designer .

  15. RS纠错码被广泛用在各种数字通信、数字广播和数据存储系统中。

    RS code is widely used in the digital memorable system , digital broadcast and digital communication .

  16. 存储系统中的Snapshot技术研究

    Study on Technology of Snapshot in Storage System

  17. 以太网MTU与IPSAN存储系统性能

    Ethernet MTU and IP SAN Storage System Performance

  18. 然而,P2P系统中节点的高动态和不可信特性使得P2P存储系统面临数据可用性和安全性两大难题。

    However , data availability and security are two serious problems because of the high dynamic and untrusted peers .

  19. 对P2P存储系统进行建模并量化比较了纠删码与副本两种冗余策略对系统可靠性的影响。

    To model the system and quantitatively compare the impact of two redundancy mechanisms : replication and erasure coding .

  20. 基于Serv-U和Web的学习资料存储系统设计

    How to devise the system of learning information storage basing on Serv-U and Web

  21. 通过对面向对象XML数据库存储系统的研究,分析了该存储系统的设计思路,并实现了该存储系统。

    Through the study of the storage system in the object-oriented XML database , the design ideas of the system are analyzed and the system is built .

  22. 作者在对现有的P2P技术深入了解和研究后,设计了一个基于P2P的分布式存储系统&PeerStore。

    Based on in-depth understanding and research on current P2P technology , We design a P2P-based distributed storage system & PeerStore .

  23. 基于SOPC高密度固态存储系统的研究与实现

    Based on SOPC high-density solid-state storage system research and realization

  24. 基于SOPC的人体脉搏信号监测及存储系统设计

    Design of Human Pulse Signal Monitoring and Storage System Based on SOPC

  25. 结合实际应用阐述了设计构造SAN存储系统的有效方法及采用该技术的优越性。

    Combining practice application the paper gives an effective method of design SAN storage system and the advantage of using SAN .

  26. 介绍SAN存储系统的I/O路径控制与管理技术。

    This article introduces the technology of how to control and manage the I / O path of SAN storage system .

  27. 基于MPEG的数字媒体采集存储系统

    MPEG Based Digital Media Capturing and Storing System

  28. NAS影像存储系统的原理与使用

    Principle and usage of NAS storable system of images

  29. 共享虚拟存储系统SVM和面向共享存储的编译技术的相结合有效地解决了这一问题,使得编写并行应用程序变得十分容易,而且易于移植。

    One method for eliminating this restriction is to combine powerful shared memory parallelizing compilers with software Shared Virtual Memory systems .

  30. 为了链接到数据存储系统,连接器需要允许使用mysqlquery()和pgquery()之类的函数。

    For PHP to connect to data-storage systems , a connector is required that allows functions like mysql_query () and pg_query () .