
  • 网络Being and Nothingness
  1. 萨特在其后的《存在与虚无》一书里对绝对自由进行了全面的理论阐释,完成了对《恶心》中自由思想的超越。

    In his later Being and Nothingness , Sartre interpreted comprehensively the absolute freedom in theory , which transcended the conception of freedom stated in Nausea .

  2. 萨特在其《存在与虚无》中提出了主体间性理论,依此,人与人之间的原始冲突是不可克服的;

    In his Being and Nothingness , Sartre put forward the theory on the relations among subjects , according to which , primeval conflicts among people were inevitable .

  3. 在存在与虚无中,在简单和复杂中,

    In the depth of things . In presence and in absence . In simplicity and complexity .

  4. 国内萨特的研究工作主要集中在对其前期代表作《存在与虚无》的分析及萨特艺术理论的美学探讨,萨特哲学、政治中涉及的美学思想一直为研究者所忽视。

    The domestic researchers mainly concentrated on analyzing his masterpiece and aesthetic discussion of his art in his earlier stage . The aesthetic thought of Sartre 's philosophy and politics that has been ignored by researchers all the time .

  5. 作品从文化和世俗生活两个方面解读了生存面临的现代化挑战,突出了人存在的荒谬与虚无,但作品对绝望中的拯救是不存在的。

    The work is from the culture and customs living two modernization challenges that read the existence to face , outstanding the person is existent and absurd and unreal , but the work is nonexistent to salvation in the despair .

  6. 这种存在方式蕴涵着现代工业文明洗礼之下人的存在与虚无。

    This implicates human beings ' existence and illusion due to the influence of modern industrial civilization .