
shěn pàn
  • trial;judge;justice;try;bring to trial;sit in judgment
审判 [shěn pàn]
  • [try] 对案件进行审理并加以判决

审判[shěn pàn]
  1. 同时,计划第一次在美国民事法庭审判关塔那摩监狱的囚犯&一名在1998年制造美国驻非洲大使馆爆炸事故的嫌疑犯。

    Meanwhile , plans were made to bring to trial for the first time in a civilian court in the United States a detainee from Guant á namo Bay , a suspect in the1998 bombings of American embassies in Africa .

  2. 因为如果他们要审判你,他们就会绞死你。

    Because if they try you , they 'll hang you .

  3. 他被送交法庭审判,并被裁定有罪。

    He was brought before the court and found guilty .

  4. 审判日期提前了一星期。

    The date of the trial has been advanced by one week .

  5. 他因危险驾驶而被移交地方法庭审判。

    He was hauled up before the local magistrates for dangerous driving .

  6. 预计审判要持续三个月。

    The trial is expected to continue for three months .

  7. 这些人已被逮捕但并未送交法院审判。

    The men were arrested but not brought to trial .

  8. 几百万人饶有兴趣地收看了电视转播的审判。

    Millions of people followed the trial on TV .

  9. 媒体对这次审判进行了全面报道。

    The trial was fully reported in the media .

  10. 审判延期至下周。

    The trial has been adjourned until next week .

  11. 第一周结束后,审判暂停。

    The trial was halted after the first week .

  12. 两名外籍嫌疑犯将被缺席审判。

    Two foreign suspects will be tried in absentia .

  13. 他拒绝在审判前作任何评论。

    He refused to comment until after the trial .

  14. 这个案件原本是否应该审判还是个问题。

    It is arguable whether the case should have ever gone to trial .

  15. 这次审判是对正义的嘲弄。

    The trial made a mockery of justice .

  16. 这一审判是对正义的嘲弄。

    The trial was a travesty of justice .

  17. 她因被控贪污正等候审判。

    She is awaiting trial on corruption charges .

  18. 在整个审判中,她都坚持相信他是清白的。

    Throughout the trial she had clung to the belief that he was innocent .

  19. 那项引起轰动的裁决使长达六个月的审判达到了高潮。

    The sensational verdict climaxed a six-month trial .

  20. 现在所有这些军人都面临军事法庭的审判。

    All the men now face court martial .

  21. 这次审判实在可笑。

    It was a mockery of a trial .

  22. 审判秘密进行。

    The trial was held in camera .

  23. 她被公开审判。

    She was tried in open court .

  24. 审判在3月6日再次进行。

    The trial reopened on 6 March .

  25. 这次审判完全是一场闹剧。

    The trial was a complete farce .

  26. 他因擅离职守受到了军法审判。

    He was court-martialled for desertion .

  27. 那是一次荒唐的审判。

    It was a farcical trial .

  28. 审判结果是除一项罪名之外其他罪名都不成立。

    The trial resulted in acquittals on all but one count .

  29. 他将成为审判的关键证人。

    He is expected to be the key witness at the trial

  30. 法官无权进行二次审判。

    The judge had no authority to order a second trial .