
shěn lǐ àn jiàn
  • hear a case;try a case
  1. 同时,审判方式改革的主要侧重点就是强化合议庭或独任庭的职责,让法官真正承担起审理案件的责任。

    Meanwhile , the key aspects in the reform of trial forms are to strengthen the duty of collegiate bench , letting judges take the full responsibility to try a case .

  2. 法律的生命在于经验,恰当运用经验法则审理案件是法官的一项基本司法能力。

    The law life lies in experience , fundamental judiciary of that applying a rule of experience to hear a case is a judge one proper item ability .

  3. 另外,还由于WTO体制的不完善使反倾销措施滥用现象突出。例如,诉讼成本过高、专家小组审理案件的封闭性、协议具有过大的操纵性等等。

    In addition , because of the imperfections in WTO system , the abuse of anti-dumping measures is very obvious , such as the high litigation costs , the closure in expert panel hearing , the excessive handling in the agreement and so on .

  4. 国王可以亲自审理案件。

    A cause might be heard by the king himself .

  5. 在审理案件中秉公执法,成绩显著的;

    Having achieved notable successes in enforcing laws and handling cases impartially ;

  6. 证据是法官审理案件的最主要的依据。

    Evidence is a judge to hear the case the main basis .

  7. 第三十二条仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。

    Article 32 The arbitration tribunal will hold oral hearings .

  8. 第十一条法官审理案件应当保持中立。

    Article 11 . A judge should be neutral during the trial .

  9. 法院审理案件的权力依据地理位置所做的划分。

    Venue-Authority of a court to hear a matter based on geographical location .

  10. 审理案件的权力称为审判权。

    The power to hear cases is called jurisdiction .

  11. 民事诉讼旨在定纷止争,民事法官的职责在于解决纠纷,他们有责任合法、合理的审理案件、做出判决;

    The Civil Procedure aims to resolve disputes .

  12. 他经常亲自审理案件。

    He often tries the case in person .

  13. 由这样指定的三位仲裁员组成仲裁庭来审理案件。

    The three arbitrators so appointed will from an arbitration tribunal to hear the case .

  14. 行政案件传统上实行书面审,法院在审理案件中具有主动性。

    Proceedings traditionally are conducted in writing , the role of the court is rather active .

  15. 旃陀罗笈多常常亲自审理案件,根据记载,他的判决一般说来都是很公正的。

    Chandragupta often judged cases personally , and by all accounts his judgements were generally fair .

  16. 而出现这些问题关键是法官审理案件中并非合法的法官决策主体不正当干涉造成的。

    Such problems are resulted from the illegimate interference of illegal decision-making judges during the trial process .

  17. 判词是古代司法官员审理案件的具结文书。

    Court verdict is the judgment verdict for the law cases of the ancient Chinese legislative officials .

  18. 审限,是人民法院审理案件必须遵守的法定期限。

    Hearing limitation is the statutory period which should be obeyed by courts when hearing a case .

  19. 法庭首先会就移送令投票,审理案件需要四个赞成票。

    The Court votes first on the writ , requiring four yes votes to hear the case .

  20. 初级法院审理案件的当事人可以向州最高法院或者最高法院提起上诉。

    Participants in cases decided in lower courts can appeal to their state 's highest or Supreme Court .

  21. 法官让我们宣誓后,就开始旁听检查官审理案件。

    The judge swore us in and then we listened to the beginning of the prosecutor 's case .

  22. 他们在审理案件时利用职权受贿,而且利益均沾。

    The took advantage of their positions and took bribes during the hearing of cases , and shares the benefits .

  23. 基于个人利益的考虑,法官在审理案件时倾向于以调解和撤诉方式结案。

    Consideration of personal interests , the judges intend to wind up the cases with mediation and rescind in adjudication .

  24. 首席仲裁员与被选定或者被指定的两名仲裁员组成仲裁庭,共同审理案件。

    The presiding arbitrator and the two appointed arbitrators will jointly form an arbitration tribunal to jointly hear the case .

  25. 在多数案件中,败诉方必须通过诉讼文件移送命令请求法庭审理案件。

    In most cases , the losing party must petition the Court through a writ of certiorari to hear the case .

  26. 三司会审审理案件时,很重视证据和回避问题。

    The joint hearing of the adjudication of cases , three Division attaches great importance to the evidence and evade the issue .

  27. 第二,如果法院确定审理案件,在复审机构行为时将运用什么标准?

    Second , if the court does hear the case , what standards will it apply in reviewing the agency 's action ?

  28. 第一百二十五条人民法院审理案件,除法律规定的特别情况外,一律公开进行。

    Article 125 Except in special circumstances as specified by law , all cases in the people 's courts are heard in public .

  29. 秦豪:其余检查官会继续审理案件,然后辩护律师陈述案情。

    Jinho : We 'll hear the rest of the prosecutor 's case and then the defense attorney will put on her case .

  30. 该章依据解释方式之不同,逐类分析了专家组和上诉机构在审理案件过程中所采用的解释条约的方法。

    According to the different ways of interpreting , this author analyzed each method used by the panel and the Appellate Body in practice .