
  • 网络aesthetic need
  1. 论审美需要与审美活动的形成

    On Men 's Aesthetic Needs and Formation of Their Aesthetic Activities

  2. 它的艺术观包括:一、满足审美需要,突出形象传达;

    Its artistic views include : 1 . meeting aesthetic needs and stressing image expression ;

  3. 园林是为了满足人们对自然的审美需要。

    Garden is to meet the aesthetic need of people 's appreciation of nature .

  4. 中国高校教师审美需要与消费观的调查

    Research and Investigation into the College Teachers ' Esthetical Needs and Attitude toward Consumption

  5. 审美需要的生理基础与心理基础

    Physiological and Psychological Bases of Aesthetic Demand

  6. 通过大量例证对不同风格图像的审美需要进行分析,研究电影海报图像是怎样对应或满足观众审美需要的。

    And illustrates the aesthetic needs of different image style through a large number of examples .

  7. 论述写意人物画意象性的笔情墨趣体现了中国文化元素的审美需要。

    Freehand Painting discussed Imagery ink pen situation reflects the aesthetic need of Chinese cultural elements .

  8. 第三,轻歌剧作为一种综合艺术,所产生的综合美感,符合大众的审美需要。

    Besides , as comprehensive art , operetta itself meets the aesthetic needs of the masses .

  9. 论审美需要

    On the Need of Taste

  10. 西夏水月观音所展现的不仅是一种艺术审美需要,更主要的是通过艺术表现信仰。

    Tangut water moon kuan-yin demonstrated not only an aesthetic needs , mainly through artistic expression of faith .

  11. 首先是满足人的审美需要,其次是社会交往功能。

    The first function is to meet people 's aesthetic needs , and the second is the social communicative function .

  12. 客观生活的丰富性及创作主体个性的多样性,决定了创作动机的表现亦呈多种形态:一、从创作主体的审美需要看,有缺失性和丰满性创作动机;

    The richness of life and the variety of personality of the subjects shape the varied forms of creation motives .

  13. 在新时代环境设计中运用传统图案,需要对其进行现代化的改造,通过简化归纳、夸张或抽象变化,赋予其新的理念与形式,使之成为符合现代社会审美需要的装饰图案;

    In order to use traditional patterns in today design , we should reform them by simplification , exaggeration and abstraction .

  14. 杨贵妃形象的特殊魅力能够激起大众心理的共鸣,满足人们的审美需要。

    In the other hand , the special fascination of her image can arouse our chord and satisfy our aesthetic needs .

  15. 而如何满足人民群众的审美需要,如何保持社会主义文化的先进性,现实向社会主义艺术生产提出了巨大的挑战。

    How to suffice and adhering the advanced culture of the socialist is the challenge in front of art production of socialist .

  16. 哲学观的新变和审美需要的新变是《淮南子》美学新蕴涵生成的两个主要缘由。

    The new changes in philosophical view and aesthetical need are the two origins of the new aesthetic implications of the book .

  17. 词类的活用是应语言审美需要而生.它在语言运用上将会有很大的潜力。

    Flexible use of parts of speech rises as the language aesthetic requires , which will have much potentialities in language application .

  18. 随着社会的开放以及文化的交流,审美需要在物质生活中也日渐国际化,同时也表现出更强的时代特性。

    Along with the progress of open society and cultural communication , aesthetic appreciation should become more international and show stronger era characteristics .

  19. 每一款凯迪威沙发,都为你提供了多种色彩和面料的选择,充分满足你与众不同的审美需要。

    Each K · DEVICE sofa provides you with various options in colors and fabrics , which meets your unique taste of beauty .

  20. 当代艺术生产不仅要在质的方面满足人民的审美需要,而且要在量的方面满足人们日益强烈的需求。

    The art production today must suffice not only the need of people in the quality , but the progressing need in the quantum .

  21. 还原到具体的历史时空中,这种具有视觉冲击力的画面效果在很大程度上应合了一种新增长的审美需要。

    Revert into the concrete history space-time , this frames with vision impact followed the growing need of new taste to a great degree .

  22. 第三,现阶段艺术生产满足主体审美需要的方向,也就是艺术为人民服务的先进方向。

    Thirdly , at present , to make arts serve the people , artistic production should meet the demand of the aesthetics of the subject .

  23. 园林绿化是人居环境的美化者和调节者,它在洁净空气,调节气候的同时,还能满足人们的审美需要。

    Landscaping as the beautifier and regulator of inhabitable environment can not only clean air and regulate climate , but also satisfy aesthetic needs for people .

  24. 电影、电视与川剧联姻,这纯粹是中国观众按照自己的审美需要和艺术逻辑而产生的奇思妙想。

    Film , TV and Sichuan Opera " marriage ", this is purely a Chinese audience according to their own aesthetic needs and artistic logic and whimsy .

  25. 作家的文学观念要不断地进行自我调适,以满足不同时期读者新的审美需要。

    For the readers of the nation , Literary writers should constantly adapt their artistic ideas to meet new readers in different periods of their aesthetic needs .

  26. 当代工笔重彩人物画在构图方面多种多样,既增加了视觉冲击力,又满足了当代人多元的审美需要。

    Contemporary meticulous figure painting respect diversity in composition , which not only increase the visual impact , but also meets the aesthetic needs of contemporary human diversity .

  27. 城市的整体规划和建筑的单体设计,都应当注重和谐和统一性,使之符合人们的各层次的审美需要。

    It is necessary to pay attention to the harmony and unity in urban design and individual design to meet the needs of different person 's view of aesthetics .

  28. 由于文字所蕴含的文化元素,因而,在现代标志设计中,出现了许多基于文字的设计作品,这些作品极大地满足了人类文化和审美需要。

    There are a lot of culture elements in the characters , so more and more design work based on the characters comes into being in modern symbol design .

  29. 当代文化语境的独特性必将产生与之相适应的符合当代人审美需要的艺术表现形式,这是时代的需求。

    Contemporary cultural context is bound to have a unique corresponding aesthetic in line with the needs of contemporary forms of artistic expression , it is the needs of the times .

  30. 人类乐生需要和快乐情感的被意识并企图通过自由创造来再度进行体验,这就是审美需要的产生及其审美活动的形成。

    Men 's consciousness crying for happy life and happy feeling and their experience in the free creative activities have caused their aesthetic needs and the formation of their aesthetic activities .