
kǎo yú
  • grill;roast fish
烤鱼[kǎo yú]
  1. 两块平行的金属横板组成的器具;用来烤鱼或肉。

    A utensil of parallel metal bars ; used to grill fish or meat .

  2. 贴士:可以用莳萝和柠檬来配烤鱼,选择水包装的金枪鱼(罐头),而不是油包装的。

    Tip : Grill tuna steak with dill and lemon ; choose tuna packed in water , not oil .

  3. 我不知道是要鸡肉沙拉还是烤鱼。

    I can 't decide between the chicken marsala and grilled2 fish .

  4. 服务员:我推荐烤鱼,因为这鱼是新鲜的。

    Waitperson : The fish is fresh , so I 'd recommend that .

  5. 7.adj.烤的,有格子的,炙过的烤鱼比煎鱼干些并且油脂少些。

    Grilled fish is drier and less greasy than fried fish .

  6. 与鸡肉,米饭,烤鱼或海鲜搭配鲜美无比。

    Enjoy with chicken , rice , grilled fish or seafood .

  7. 食物成对:开胃酒,沙拉,烤鱼和海鲜。

    Food pairing : Aperitifs , salads , grilled fish and seafood .

  8. 食物搭配:炖羊肉,烤肉,烤鱼等。

    Food Matching : Sheep stew , grilled meals , grilled fish .

  9. 烤鱼比煎鱼干些并且油脂少些。

    Grilled fish drier and less greasy than fried fish .

  10. 不过,我倒是最喜欢番茄烤鱼。

    But I like the baked fish in tomato sauce the most .

  11. 我知道一间很好的烤鱼地方。

    I know a great joint for grilled fish .

  12. 每隔两周,也许会有烤鱼,但今天没有。

    Once every fortnight there might be a fish , but not today .

  13. 我们为什么还要浪费时间烤鱼呢?

    So why do we bother to waste time on barbecuing the fish ?

  14. 厨师在烤鱼前剔去了鱼骨头。

    The chef boned the fish before grilling it .

  15. 我要一份烤鱼,谢谢。

    I want the grilled fish , please .

  16. 怎么还带这些烤鱼过来?

    Why are you bringing dried fish here ?

  17. 搭配与贝类,烤鱼或清淡的禽肉食用味道绝佳。

    Drinking with dishes such as scallops , grilled fish or light poultry dishes .

  18. 是烤鱼加些蔬菜。

    It 's a grilled fish with vegetables .

  19. 新疆烤鱼别有风味

    Grilled fish in Xinjiang a special taste

  20. 你今晚有机会烤鱼吃。

    You 'll fry some fish tonight .

  21. 最后,我们围坐在营火旁,边烤鱼边唱歌。

    Finally , we sat around the fire , roasted the fish and sang songs .

  22. 他们便给了耶稣一片烤鱼。他就接过来,当他们面前吃了。

    And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish , and of an honeycomb .

  23. 该款白葡萄酒可以搭配现代美食,烤鱼和糖醋菜肴等一同享用。

    This white wine will be appreciated with moderne cuisine , grilled fish and sweet-and-sour dishes .

  24. 费尔奇的办公室是一间天花板上吊着一盏油灯、充斥着烤鱼气味的小屋。

    Filch 's office is a small room with a single oil lamping hanging from the ceiling .

  25. 干燥产品:烤鱼片、整体鱿鱼、烤鳗、贻贝等。

    The dry prodnets : bake fish , while squid bake eel fish , mussel meat and so on .

  26. 如果在家就餐,夏天他们会做烤鱼,并用野生稻米做饭,还会做鱼肉玉米饼卷,配以鳄梨色拉。

    At home , they cook grilled fish with wild rice and fish tacos with fresh guacamole in the summer .

  27. 通常主菜是肉类,如烤鸡肉、烤牛肉、烤鱼等。

    Usually the main course is meat , such as grilled chicken , roast beef , fish and so on .

  28. 烤鱼($10.95)表层非常湿润柔软,并附有肉拉,这使得顾客能够容易用叉子用餐。

    The grilled fish ( $ 10.95 ) has crisped skin and moist meat that pulls apart easily with a fork ;

  29. 我问老板:为什么上菜这么慢,他说,厨房里只有一个烤鱼板,上面。

    N why serving is so slow , he says , there is a grilled fish board only in the kitchen , above .

  30. 我知道你永远不可能重现在伯利兹城细细的海滩上的帐篷里烤鱼或是可口岛上的盘馕咖喱饭。

    I know : you can never truly recreate that grilled fish at the tiny beach shack in Belize or the Panang curry on Koh Tao .