
  1. 由咸熏肉、香肠、番茄和蘑菇做成的烤杂排

    a mixed grill of bacon , sausages , tomatoes and mushrooms

  2. 妈妈正在为我烤苹果排。

    My mother is baking an apple pie for me .

  3. 但是想要留下良好的第一印象,大口嚼着烤肋排可一点都不吸引人。

    But when it comes to first impressions , gnawing on BBQ ribs is far from alluring .

  4. 推荐烤瘦肋排配浓郁的烤肉酱、土豆沙拉和卷心菜沙拉(45库纳),还可以搭配一杯来自这个国家斯拉沃尼亚地区的索伦姆(Solum)赤霞珠红葡萄酒(25库纳)。

    The baked spare ribs are served with a tangy barbecue sauce , potato salad and coleslaw ( 45 kunas ) and pair well with a glass of Solum cabernet sauvignon from the country 's Slavonia region ( 25 kunas ) .

  5. 在室温下宜与牛肉、烤猪肉、小牛排及烧肉共享。

    It is served at room temperature with strong meat , roasted pork , veal and smoked meat .