
  • Yangzhou Fried Rice;Yeung Chow Fried Rice
  1. 这就是我今天的得意之作,扬州炒饭。

    This is my proud work of the day , Yangzhou fried rice .

  2. 还有西班牙米饭(像扬州炒饭,但是用西红柿和辣椒炒)。

    And " Spanish " rice ( like Yangzhou fried rice , but made with tomatoes and peppers ) .

  3. 就是我大牛的拿手好菜,扬州炒饭。

    We 're missing Daniel 's forte , Yangzhou fried rice .

  4. 扬州炒饭是运河文化的产物,是中华传统美食文化的精品。

    Yangzhou fried rice is the product of the Canal culture and the quality works of Chinese traditional food culture .

  5. 粟米汤和两碟扬州炒饭。别给我灌米汤了,反正我不改主意。

    Sweet Corn Soup and two Yeung Chow Fried Rice , please . Don 't try to soft-soap me ; I 'm not changing my mind .

  6. 扬州蛋炒饭工艺标准化研究

    The Research on the Technological Standardization of Yangzhou Fried Rice with Scrambled Egg

  7. 有感《扬州蛋炒饭工艺标准化研究》

    My Thoughts on 《 A Study on the Technological Standardization of Yangzhou Fried Rice with Eggs 》