
  • 网络Yangtse Evening Post;Yangzi Evening News;yangtse evening news
  1. 《扬子晚报》上周四报道称,这两个小女孩的创意令网友们大为震惊。

    The creativity of the young girls has amazed netizens , the Yangtse Evening Post reported on Thursday .

  2. 《扬子晚报》消息,因无力偿还120万元的债务,江苏省扬州市一户家庭一家三口两次集体自杀。

    Three family members from Yangzhou , Jiangsu Province , attempted to commit suicide twice when they were unable to pay a1.2-million-yuan debt , Yangtse Evening Post reports .

  3. 据《扬子晚报》报道,一些用人单位甚至根据星座和IQ来筛选应聘者。

    The Yangtse Evening News reported that some employers are even filtering applicants by their zodiac sign and IQ .

  4. 另外,以河海大学思源网、扬子晚报无线版为实例进行分析,表明WAP页面转换技术具有可行性和实用价值。

    Through the analysis of " Siyuan " homepage and the wireless site of Yangzi evening paper , it can be seen that the conversion technology of WAP pages is feasible and valuable .

  5. 据《扬子晚报》报道,教室内不当使用投影仪会损害学生视力。

    Improper use of projectors in the classroom can damage students'eyesight , Yangtze Evening Post reports .

  6. 江苏人民广播电台及《扬子晚报》、《新华日报》、《中国交通报》等媒体相继给予了报道。

    Jiangsu people 's broadcasting station , Yangtze Evening , Xinhua daily and China transportation paper reported one after another .

  7. 据《扬子晚报》报道,在高考试卷评阅中,江苏一位文言文奇才震惊了所有阅卷老师。

    A new talent writing an ancient-style essay stunned all the college entrance exam-markers in Jiangsu , Yangtse Evening reported .

  8. 据《扬子晚报》报道,为了应付开销,谈恋爱的大学生中,有大约一半的人在做兼职。

    Almost half of college students in love said they were doing part-time jobs to cover their expenditures , Yangtze Evening News reported .

  9. 据《扬子晚报》报道,董欢还表示,该诗集保持了原作,包括小冰创作中的一些小错误。

    Dong added that the collection kept all the original wording , including small errors produced by Xiaoice , Yangtze Evening News reported .

  10. 据《扬子晚报》上周日报道,电子商务和网游方面的经验,现在正成为大学毕业生找工作的加分项。

    Experience in e-commerce and online gaming are helping fresh out-of-college applicants score points on the job market , the Yangtze Evening Post reported last Sunday .

  11. 因此当我看到扬子晚报刊登的照片上,疯狂的顾客哄抢各款提包,我大吃一惊,在东京,买上那样一个包要等六个月。

    So I was taken by surprise by the photo in the Yangtse Evening Post of crazed shoppers clamoring for bags that have a six-month waiting list in Tokyo .

  12. 《扬子晚报》消息,《首尔体育》周二指出,亚运会礼仪小姐的礼服又薄又紧,有时甚至可以看到里面的内衣。

    Seoul Sports pointed out Tuesday that hostesses of the Asian Games are wearing dresses that are too tight and thin , sometimes revealing their underwear , Yangtse Evening Post reports .

  13. 2001年7月,《扬子晚报》推出短信版扬子随身看,掀开了我国手机出版业的发展序幕。

    In July , 2001 , " the Yangzi Evening news " promoted the short note version " Yangzi to look along with ", lifting our country handset publishing industry development prologue .

  14. 中国跨栏组领队李国雄说,他将与刘翔和他的教练孙海平商量是否将医院告上法庭,扬子晚报今天报道。

    Li Guoxiong , head of the Chinese hurdle team , said he will discuss with Liu and his coach Sun Haiping whether to bring the hospital to court , the Yangtze Evening News reported today .

  15. 本文以扬子晚报现象为研究对象,在阐释这一现象的基础上,从主观原因和客观原因两方面入手,探析扬子晚报现象的成因。

    The thesis works on the research of " the Yangtse Evening Post Phenomenon " . Based on the analysis of the phenomenon , the thesis discloses the reasons for the phenomenon from subjective and objective aspect .

  16. 本文将选取危机事件中的一类,即突发公共卫生事件为切入点,以《扬子晚报》为个案,研究新闻媒体针对突发公共卫生事件的危机传播。

    This article will select a crisis event of a class , the emergent events of public health as a starting point , and use " Yangtze Evening News " as a case , study the crisis communication of news media in response to emergent events of public health .