
  1. 对于一个比较正式的夏季聚会,这些撒丁岛烤串是完美的。

    For a more formal summer get-together , these Sardinian skewers are perfect .

  2. 20多岁时,罗永浩不停地换工作,但都是收入较低的岗位,还一度卖过烤串。

    In his 20s , Mr. Luo moved between low-paying jobs , at one point selling kebabs .

  3. 必须用现金支付,但这不是什么问题,因为一个烤串才1.25美元,一餐不会超过8美元。

    You must pay in cash , but this is easy at $ 1.25 a skewer , with not a dish over $ 8 .

  4. 中国人喜欢吃的食物让西方人感到不可思议,这里简单的举几个很受欢迎的小吃比如:猪血蛋糕、鸡屁股烤串等。

    Chinese people like to eat food that Westerners consider unusual , things like pig-blood cake and chicken-butt kebab to name just a few ofthe popular snacks here .

  5. 然而,就像市政府官员采取行动拆除那一度让北京魅力无限的古老胡同一样,现在他们又开始动手整治烤串商贩。

    But just as they 've moved to knock down the ancient alleyways that once gave Beijing its charm , city officials are now moving to rein in the skewer sellers .

  6. 双休日、节假日或工作之余,吃烤串既可以作为亲友小聚,也可作为同事小会。

    It can be seen as an enjoyment shared with relatives , friends , and colleagues in the spare time because it can provide an opportunity for people to interact and relax .

  7. 另外,其实我也能吃点辣,想当年在北京吃烤串的时候,我可以承受上面的那些孜然和香料。

    I 'll be fine . Besides , I could eat mildly spicy food . When eating barbecue on a stick in Beijing , I could stand a little cumin and spices on top .

  8. 然而,如果要说最有特色的泰式街头小吃,莫过于沙爹猪肉烤串了。沙爹猪肉烤串是用长条形的木炭烤制而成的,食用时搭配醋腌黄瓜沙拉和花生蘸酱。

    But if we had to choose the most iconic street food of Thailand , it has to be skewers of pork satay cooked on long charcoal grills and served with a vinegary cucumber salad and peanut dipping sauce .

  9. 除此之外,作为一条闻名的小吃街,这也是城里吃烤串最好的地方,从经典的鸡肉串、猪肉串、豆腐串到千奇百怪的蚕蛹、鱿鱼、蝎子还有蛇,应有尽有。

    Otherwise known as snack street , this the best place in town to get something roasted on a stick , from the classic chicken , pork , tofu , to the exotic beetle larvae , squid , scorpion and snake .

  10. 不管怎样,反正你已经来了,手里拿着一把烤串,它们用箔纸松散地包着,散发出烟熏味和咸味,上面撒着诱人的孜然和辣椒:整只尖青椒像爪子一样,比竹签还长,特别辣;

    No matter . You 're here now , with a fistful of skewers in loose foil , smoky , salty and heady with cumin and chile : a talonlike whole green pepper , longer than the stick it 's impaled on and crazily hot ;

  11. 北京过去也曾对市内的烧烤摊展开“严打”,但这是头一次以空气污染之名作为管理烤串摊贩的主要动机。这个策略不禁让环保人士和网友感到怀疑。

    Beijing has launched barbecue crackdowns in the past , but this is the first time officials have used the city 's notorious air pollution as a primary motive in going after the skewer stands -- a strategy that has raised eyebrows among environmentalists and Internet users .

  12. 北京过去也曾对市内的烧烤摊展开严打,但这是头一次以空气污染之名作为管理烤串摊贩的主要动机。这个策略不禁让环保人士和网友感到怀疑。

    Beijing has launched barbecue crackdowns in the past , but this is the first time officials have used the city 's notorious air pollution as a primary motive in going after the skewer stands & a strategy that has raised eyebrows among environmentalists and Internet users .

  13. 坚持一个简单的鸡肉烤羊肉串,你不能出错。

    Stick with a straightforward chicken shish kebab and you cannot go wrong .

  14. 牛肉铁板烧上过,紧接着是烤三文鱼串伴有蒸粗麦粉。

    Beef fajitas were followed by grilled salmon skewers served with couscous .

  15. 烤羊肉串的辛香和蜜制蛋糕的甜香扑面而来。

    The acrid smell of lamb kebabs and the sweet smell of cakes soaked in honey predominate over everything else .

  16. 烤羊肉串摊点对乌鲁木齐市农贸市场空气质量的影响

    The Influence of Roast Lamb Meat Stall on Air Quality in Farm and Trade Market and the Level of HbCO in Blood of Sellers

  17. 超过临界点的饮酒量和高脂肪食物如薯条、烤羊肉串、披萨和汉堡等,会让人多摄入6940卡热量。

    The extra drink after this point , combined with fatty food such as chips , kebabs , pizzas and hamburgers , leads to him packing away an extra 6,940 calories .

  18. 我看到人们在人民广场跳华尔兹舞,年轻人玩滑板直至深夜。几乎每个人都在享受烤羊肉串的美味,要么坐在餐馆里慢慢品味,要么坐在街头大排档大快朵颐。

    I saw couples waltzing in people 's square , youngsters skateboarding late at night , and pretty much everyone enjoying skewered barbecued lamb in restaurants and from street vendors throughout the city .

  19. 午餐可以去LaCabaned’Oléron,这里供应烤鲜贝串(一串7欧元)、精制龙虾(6只8.50欧元)及其他海产品。

    For lunch , La Cabane d'Ol é ron serves grilled fresh scallops on skewers ( 7 euros ) , fine de claire oysters ( six for 8.50 euros ) and other marine morsels .

  20. 像羊杂汤、爆炒羊头肉、烤羊排、羊肉串等等,都是蒙古民间食谱中珍品之作。

    Yangza like soup , Bao Chao sheep 's head meat , lamb row , the string of mutton and so on are all non-diet in Mongolia for the treasures .

  21. 何帆列出的购物长单上有产自新疆维吾尔自治区的烤全羊、羊肉串,有广东的海鲜,有山西的酱牛肉,有浙江的酒糟鱼,还有湖北的酱鸭脖、鸭翅、鸭爪。

    Her lengthy shopping list includes roasted whole lamb and mutton skewers from Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region , seafood packages from Guangdong province , sauced beef from Shanxi province , liquor-marinated fish from Zhejiang province , and marinated duck necks , wings and feet from Hubei province .

  22. 简陋的街边烧烤摊上烤着的羊肉串、撒了辣椒和孜然,那股味道是北京夏天最令人神往的快乐之一。如果不是有这样一种廉价且诱人的奖赏,这里的夏天便只剩下难耐的酷热和刺鼻且厚重的空气。

    The scent of mutton skewers , dusted with chili pepper and cumin and roasting atop makeshift streetside grills , is one of the most cherished pleasures of summer in Beijing -- a cheap and seductive reward for suffering through a season otherwise marked by oppressive heat and pungent , chewable air .

  23. 在开着的大壁炉里,厨师烤着牛排、羔羊排骨、小烤鸡肉串、肥鹅肝和鸭脯,美味四溢。

    At the huge open fireplace , the chef grills steaks , lamb chops , chicken brochettes , foie gras and duck breasts to absolute perfection .