
  1. 320克烤肠生产加工过程中HACCP体系建立与应用

    The Foundation of Haccp in the Process of Making 320g Roast Sausage

  2. HACCP在猪肉烤肠中的运用

    The Application of HACCP in Roast Pork Sausage

  3. 可乐也可使烤肠滑润可口。

    Coke also makes a great glaze for baked ham .

  4. 对烤肠中腐败菌的耐热特性进行了研究。

    The heat resistance of spoilage bacteria was also studied in this thesis .

  5. 鸡尾酒配烤肠配各种蘸酱

    at the chancellor 's with cocktail wieners and sliders and fancy dipping sauces .

  6. 台烤肠作为一个迅速成长起来的产品,其市场渠道建设没有跟上产品的发展步伐。

    As a rapidly growing product , the market channel construction of roasted sausage has not kept up the pace of its development .

  7. 上世纪九十年代中期,台烤肠从西方传入我国,并开始风靡我国肉制品消费市场。

    In the mid-1990s . Roasted sausage was introduced into China from the west , and began sweeping the meat consumer market of our country .

  8. 除了圣路易斯的披萨饼外,因奥巴马而火爆的还有匹兹堡的薄烤饼、华盛顿的果汁汉堡和辣味烤肠、以及芝加哥的黑人传统食品。

    Pizza from St Louis , pancakes from Pittsburgh . A juicy hamburger or a chili half-smoke sausage in Washington , soul food in Chicago .

  9. 精对苯二甲酸氧化残渣中苯甲酸的分离回收乳酸菌降低发酵烤肠中亚硝酸盐残留量的研究

    Study on recovery of benzoic acid in residue from oxidation unit of purified terephthalic acid Optimization of Fermentation Conditions of Lactobacillus for Reducing Nitrite Residue in Fermented Roast Sausage

  10. 麦类提取物对4株乳酸杆菌耐酸能力的影响乳酸菌降低发酵烤肠中亚硝酸盐残留量的研究

    Effect of malt , wheat and wheat bran extracts on viability of probiotic lactobacilli under acidic conditions Optimization of Fermentation Conditions of Lactobacillus for Reducing Nitrite Residue in Fermented Roast Sausage

  11. 为此,公司需要改变观念,改变传统的台烤肠运作模式,加强终端品牌推广,即可实现市场的占有率。

    To this end , the company needs to change ideas , to change the traditional operation mode of roasted sausage and strengthen the terminal branding promotion to achieve the market share . 4 .

  12. 台烤肠又名热狗香肠,是一种乳化型低温香肠,它起源于西方国家,是西方国家居民日常生活中不可缺少的肉类食品。

    Roasted sausage is also known as hot dog sausage , which is a low temperature emulsification sausage . Roasted sausage is originated from western countries , in which it is indispensable meat food for people .

  13. 通过对发酵烤肠与未发酵烤肠的游离氨基酸变化的测定,表明乳酸菌发酵不仅可以降解胆固醇,同时还有利于蛋白质分解为游离氨基酸,提高了产品的营养价值。

    Through researching the changes in free amino acid of roast sausage , it shows that fermentation helps not only to degrade cholesterol but also to decompose protein to free amino acid , and to improve the nutritive value of the products .