
  • 网络grill;Hibachi;Gas BBQ grill
  1. 当恰克点着火,烤肉炉上方的大阳伞立刻烧了起来。

    When Chuck started it , the umbrella above the grill immediately caught fire .

  2. 烤肉炉在呼唤了……要我帮忙就别客气喔

    The grill is calling me ... Let me know if I can help .

  3. ::在烤肉炉旁现在木炭差不多好了。

    At the grill Now the coals are just right .

  4. ::泰勒被怡君一撞,弹进烤肉炉真对不起,泰勒。

    Taylor bounces off Yi-jun and into the grill I 'm so sorry , Taylor .

  5. 去年初夏,恰克决定该是买一台新烤肉炉的时候了。

    At the beginning of last summer , Chuck decided that it was time to get a new grill .

  6. 虽然恰克弄得一团乱,店方仍决定把淋湿的烤肉炉便宜卖给他。

    Although Chuck made a total mess , the store decided to cut him a deal on the soggy grill .

  7. 劳工节对很多美国人来说都是一个很受欢迎的节日,全家人可以在海滩或者室外烤肉炉旁渡过三天愉快的周末时光,庆祝夏日的结束。

    Many Americans view Labor Day as a welcome end-of-summer three-day weekend to spend at the beach or the barbecue pit .