
ròu kuài
  • steak;meat chunks
  1. 肉块盐分含量10%~13%,水分含量42%~48%,发酵后不发生腐败变质并可产生火腿香气。

    If salt content was between 10 % and 13 % , and moisture content was between 42 % and 48 % , the meat chunks could generate ham odor without spoilage after aging .

  2. 这些肉块相当大,还能再切小一点吗?

    Those chunks of meat are rather large & could you chop them up a bit smaller ?

  3. 包括H型的尾骨在内的肉块。

    A cut of beef including the H-shaped rump bone .

  4. Talley仍然过着往常的生活,经常熬夜,半夜还大吃大喝她最爱的食物:土豆沙拉、蜂蜜面包、麦当劳鸡肉块和辣椒。

    Talley still lives very much as she always has done , often staying up until midnight feasting on some of her favorite foods : potato salad , honey buns , McDonald 's chicken nuggets and Wendy 's chili .

  5. 含树脂的叶子,用于炖菜、馅和肉块中。

    Resinous leaves used in stews and stuffings and meat loaf .

  6. 包括一部分肋骨的小肉块。

    A small cut of meat including part of a rib .

  7. 因此他们就把肉块滚到山谷里。

    So they rolled the meat into the valley instead .

  8. 大豆组织蛋白素食肉块的研制

    An investigation on vegetarian meat from the textured soybean protein

  9. 关于牛胴优质分割肉块名称的讨论

    Discussions on the Names of Beef Carcass High-grade Cuts

  10. 他们会让你跑到累趴下,然后把你切成肉块。

    They 'll run you down and cut you up into little chunks .

  11. 包含至少一部分后脊椎骨的肉块或鱼块。

    Cut of meat or fish including at least part of the backbone .

  12. 包括一条或多条肋骨的肉块。

    Cut of meat including one or more ribs .

  13. 包容燕麦片的肉块用作增补剂通过增加碎片进行修补。

    Meat loaf that contained oatmeal as an extender .

  14. 干腌肉块的理化特性研究

    Physicochemical Characteristics of Dry - cured Meat Cut

  15. 天哪。那么你是认真的了。他们是肉块做的。

    Omigod . You 're serious then . They 're made out of meat .

  16. 胸部或胸以下的肉块,特别指牛肉。

    A cut of meat from the breast or lower chest especially of beef .

  17. 然后那些饥饿的巨鹰就会把肉块捡走带回到巢内。

    Then the hungry eagles would pick it up and bring it to their nests .

  18. 一小时后,将肉块与汤水一起转移到炒锅内并转为中火。

    Transfer meat WITH cooking liquor into a cooking popper and turn to medium heat .

  19. 桑尼利斯顿,你不是冠军!你是个大肉块!

    Sonny liston , you ai n 't no Cham p ! You a chump !

  20. 成熟的羊的排骨肉块。

    Chop cut from a mature sheep .

  21. 在高中担任足球队的选手时,我曾经买过那种大大的肉块来吃。

    Being a high-school football player , I bought into the stereotype of massive meat-munching .

  22. 另外,你知道么,如果你不烘干肉块

    By the way , did you know that if you don 't dry meat ,

  23. 你自己也不想被切成肉块拿去喂人或动物。

    You yourself wouldnt like to be chopped into pieces and fed to people or animals .

  24. 亚硝酸钠对干腌肉块脂肪酸氧化源醛类挥发性化合物的影响

    Effect of sodium nitrite on aldehyde generated from the fatty acid oxidation of dry cured meat cut

  25. 牛的肩膀扁骨上的肉块。他身高肩宽,肌肉发达。

    A cut of beef from the shoulder blade . He is tall , broad and muscular .

  26. 提利昂赶在他们两个一起被剁成肉块前抓住杰克的胳膊。

    Tyrion wrenched down Jyck 's arm hurriedly , before he got them both hacked to pieces .

  27. 博尔特说的是麦当劳出售的油炸小鸡肉块,通常一口能吃掉一个。

    Bolt is referring to chicken nuggets from McDonalds , small , deep-fried , bite-sized chicken pieces .

  28. 一个肉块的梦!多奇妙阿,我们是肉块的梦。

    A dream to meat ! How strangely appropriate , that we should be meat 's dream .

  29. 勇气,是到了吃饭的时候,谢天谢地得巴望着那肉块上面淋得不再是浓肉汁的代用品。

    Courage is mealtime and desperately hoping it 's not Chunky Chunks in " real " gravy again .

  30. 包含部分脊椎骨和两侧腰的肉块(特别是绵羊和小羊羔)。

    Cut of meat ( especially mutton or lamb ) consisting of part of the backbone and both loins .