
ròu kòu
  • nutmeg
  1. 如此巨大的需求意味着肉蔻和丁香价格的飙升。

    Such great demand meant that the prices of nutmeg and cloves soared .

  2. 一小撮新鲜的肉蔻粉(可放可不放)

    Pinch of freshly ground nutmeg ( optional )

  3. 肉蔻豆酸、油酸、亚麻酸和二十二碳六烯酸这四种脂肪酸的相对百分含量因产地的不同而有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    The content of Myristic acid , Oleic acid , linolenic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are different in different area ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 结论:蒙药肉蔻五味丸可通过抑制心肌细胞凋亡从而保护梗死心肌。

    Conclusion : Roukou Wuwei Pill is effective for the protection of myocardial infraction .

  5. 这也是一种享用传统圣诞香料,像是丁香、肉桂、肉蔻的好方法。

    Its a lovely celebration of those traditional festive spices like cloves , cinnamon and nutmeg .

  6. 再加入丁香、肉桂棒、月桂叶、10-12粒肉蔻。

    Add the cloves , cinnamon stick , bay leaves and about 10 to 12 gratings of nutmeg .

  7. 就在那个时候(15世纪)欧洲人为了寻找丁香和肉蔻首次来到马鲁古群岛。

    It was at this time that Europeans first came to the Moluccas in search of cloves and nutmeg .