
  • 网络memory card;mmc;microSD;micro SD
  1. 使用存储卡的井下存储式电子压力计

    An Electronic Pressure Gauge with Memory Card for Oil Well Applications

  2. 该像机还提供了内置的SD/SDHC存储卡插槽,这使它能够保存好几天的录象而无需任何的外部设施。

    The camera has a built-in slot for an SD / SDHC memory card , enabling extra storage without external equipment .

  3. I~2C存储卡在嵌入式Linux系统中的实现

    The Realization of I ~ 2C card in Embedded Linux System

  4. 在调用stop方法之前,将对存储卡上的文件进行录制。

    Recording takes place to the file on the storage card until the stop method is invoked .

  5. 举例来说,XPSOne有一个内置的相机存储卡插槽,这一点就不同于苹果机。

    Unlike the Apple , for example , the Dell has a built-in slot for camera memory cards .

  6. 介绍了COMPACTFLASH存储卡(简称CF卡)的特点。

    This article first introduces the characteristics of Compact Flash card ( CF ) .

  7. 基于CPLD控制的Flash存储卡的设计

    The Design of Flash Memory Card Based on CPLD Control

  8. 介绍了SD存储卡规范的主要特性和SDHostController的设计方案。

    I introduce the key features of SD specification and design solution of SD Host Controller .

  9. 基于CPLD的PCI总线存储卡的设计

    Design of PCI Bus Memory Card Based on CPLD Technology

  10. 单片机对CF存储卡文件读写的实现

    Realization of Read-write Operation on CF Card by Single Chip Processor

  11. 编制了存储卡的WDM驱动程序和相应的应用程序;

    Have completed the WDM driver design and application design of storage block .

  12. 介绍了一种适用于EPP(增强型平行端口)的Flash存储卡。

    This paper introduces a design of Flash memory card suitable for EPP interface .

  13. SD卡是近年来流行的大容量便携式存储卡。

    The SD card , a portable memory card which has big capacity , is popular in recent years .

  14. 基于多媒体存储卡的MMC串行通信协议及其应用

    The MMC Serial Communication Protocol and Application Based on of the Multi Media Cards

  15. 该DC-DC变换器可以用于LCD显示器、个人计算机存储卡以及手机、MP3等便携式产品。

    It is suitable for LCD displays , PCMCIA cards , mobile phone , MP3 and other portable applications .

  16. 基于USB2.0及SDRAM的大容量存储卡设计

    Design of Mass Storage Based on USB 2.0 Protocol and SDRAM

  17. 应用于存储卡中的新型EEPROM单元结构

    A Novel EEPROM Cell Used in Memory Cards

  18. 一个装有罗经和实时质量控制的智能型便携式实时差分和GPS集成接收机,并带有GPS/HF二合一天线和活动式存储卡;

    Portable intellect differential & GPS integrated receiver , which has a single GPS / HF antenna , movable memory card , built-in compass and QC function in real time ;

  19. 基于嵌入式PCMCIA存储卡驱动程序的实现

    How to Write the Driver of a PCMCIA Memory Card on Embedded Linux OS

  20. 这造就了爱国者庞杂的产品阵容,包括USB存储卡、数码相机、电视机、多媒体播放器、手机等。

    That has left Aigo with a sprawling product portfolio that encompasses products ranging from USB storage cards to digital cameras , television sets , media players and mobile phones .

  21. 他们依赖偶尔的WiFi无线连接或者使用存储卡将文档“侧载”至手机。

    They rely instead on occasional WiFi or on " side loading " files to their phone using memory cards .

  22. SD卡和MMC卡是近几年最有市场的Flash存储卡,目前已经被广泛应用于数码相机、移动电话和PDA等消费电子领域。

    Recently , SD and MMC card are the most popular Flash card in mass-storage market . They have being widely used in digital cameras , mobile telephone and PDA .

  23. 黑莓珍珠设有微型SD存储卡插槽,可以加大存储量。不过,这个插槽藏在电池盒下面,这是我对该设备少有的不满之一。

    The Pearl comes with a mini-SD card slot for additional storage , although one of my few complaints about the device is that the slot is hidden under the battery compartment .

  24. TF卡是一种全新的超小型大容量移动存储卡,大小约等于目前市面最流行的SD记忆卡的1/4。

    TF card is a new ultra-small high-capacity removable storage card , which size in the market is equal to one quarter of the current most popular SD memory card .

  25. 以自行开发的PCI总线存储卡为背景,详细论述了PCI总线的信号定义和命令操作,以及总线上的数据传输过程。

    Based on the designed PCI bus memory card , the signal definitions and command operations of PCI bus and the process of data access on the PCI bus are discussed in detail .

  26. U盘(本文泛指存储卡、USB记忆棒和USB硬盘等移动存储设备)是目前广泛使用的信息存储和信息交换设备,U盘在给我们提供使用便利的同时,也带来了巨大的信息安全隐患。

    U disk , in the thesis referring to memory cards , USB memory sticks , USB hard disks and other removable storage devices , is widely used in information storage and exchange at the present time .

  27. 便携式数码助理为一消费电子产品,它可以在没有电脑的情况下完成转存数码设备存储卡上数据的功能,又可作为一般的高速大容量USB移动硬盘使用。

    The Portable Digital Assistant is a consumer electronics , which can store the data in the memory cards of digital products without computer around , and also be used as a large high-speed portable USB hard disk .

  28. 论文首先对当前应用比较广泛的几类存储卡及SD和SDIO卡的结构进行了简要介绍,其次对本设计基于的系统芯片架构和涉及到的总线协议进行分析。

    The paper at first briefly introduced some kinds of wided used storage cards . The SoC architecture and the related bus protocol were analysed .

  29. 测试仪硬件由Xilinx公司的FPGA芯片、LinearTechnology公司的高速AD转换器、LED显示屏、SD存储卡、电容式传声器组成,完成噪声信号的采集、数据的显示和保存。

    The hardware of the tester is composed of FPGA chip by Xilinx , high-speed AD converters by Linear Technology , LED display , SD memory card , and condenser microphone , which complete noise signal acquisition , data display and save .

  30. 最后介绍设备驱动程序的实现模型,详细分析驱动程序的中断处理机制和驱动程序的加载机制,在此基础上重点研究和开发SD存储卡驱动程序。

    Finally , it concludes the implementation of model for the devices driver , including interrupt analyzing of the mechanism and loading mechanism of device driver . the SD memory card driver program is mainly researched and developed .