
  • 网络Language Processing System
  1. 基于文法规则匹配的自然语言处理系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Natural Language Processing System Based on Grammar Rule Matching

  2. 自然语言处理系统中自动分词的研究

    Automatic Segment in Natural Language Processing System

  3. 这种系统包括高级的自然语言处理系统,它能够通过分析内容(比如ECM系统中的文档文本)发现新的词汇和关系。

    These types of systems include advanced natural language processing systems that can discover new terms and relationships by analyzing content ( such as document text in ECM systems ) .

  4. 用多个微处理机的语言处理系统

    Speech processing system implemented with multiple microprocessors

  5. 本文介绍了自然语言处理系统的一个重要知识源概念词典,以及基于超文本的概念词典管理系统概念浏览器。

    Concept lexicon is one of the important knowledge sources of natural language understanding systems .

  6. 名词聚类在自然语言处理系统中的应用

    Application of Noun Clustering in NLP Systems

  7. 介绍了自然语言处理系统中事件类名词耦合的一种处理方法。

    Primarily introduced a kind of method of the coupling processing of event noun in NLP systems .

  8. 本文的研究背景是自然语言处理系统,其工作有两部分:第一部分主要讨论词处理;

    The background of the research work expressed in this article is the natural language treatment system .

  9. 目前的自然语言处理系统大多是基于人类语言的句法、语义理论之上的。

    Currently most natural language processing systems are based on syntactic and semantic theories of human language .

  10. 该短语的自动识别对于自动句法分析,机器翻译等自然语言处理系统都有重要意义。

    The identification of this phrase has great value for NLPS such as syntax parsing , machine translation .

  11. 在自然语言处理系统(包括机器翻译系统)中,语法、语义信息词典是必不可少的构件。

    In any NLP systems , including that of MT , syntactic and semantic information dictionary is an essential component .

  12. 自然语言处理系统的运行速度对于系统本身的开发是至关重要的。

    The run speed of a system of natural language processing is an extremely important bearing on developing the system itself .

  13. 在自然语言处理系统的应用过程中,很多系统允许用户自由挂接一部或多部领域词典。

    In the applications of Natural Language Processing , many systems allow the users use one or more domain specific lexicons .

  14. 在这篇文章中,我们强调了机器词典对于机器翻译等自然语言处理系统的重要意义。

    Abstract We emphasize that machine dictionary is important for machine translation systems and other natural language processing systems in this paper .

  15. 机器可读电子词典是一切自然语言处理系统特别是机器翻译系统的基础。

    The computer readable electronic dictionary is the foundation for all natural language processing , especially for the system of machine translation .

  16. 知识库是自然语言处理系统的基础,为系统理解自然语言并顺利完成任务提供有力的知识保障。

    Knowledge base is " brain " of natural language processing systems and enables them to " understand " and process natural language .

  17. 若用词法和语法分析程序共同组成语言处理系统,其函数名、参数和返回值应一致。

    If system of processing language is established with programs of lexical analysis and parsing , the function name , parameter and return value should be accordant .

  18. 它广泛应用于包括信息检索、机器翻译、文本分类和自动文摘等在内的许多自然语言处理系统。

    It is widely used in many natural language processing application systems , such as information retrieval , machine translation , text classification , text summarization and so on .

  19. 经典的自然语言处理系统通常假设每个词汇为一个语义单元,这并没有包括多词表达在里而,多词表达跨越词汇边界,因而有其特殊的解读方法。

    A typical natural language system treats each word as a lexical unit , but this treatment does not hold in case of MWEs for they have idiosyncratic interpretations that cross word boundaries .

  20. 在面向领域的自然语言处理系统的前端部分,设置一个面向领域的文本自动分类模块,则后续模块在一个狭义的语义环境中进行分析,意义是显而易见的。

    There is an automatic text categorization module in the front part of the natural language processing system , so the part of behind carries on analysis in a narrow language righteousness environment . The meaning of that is obvious .

  21. 实体识别在许多自然语言处理应用系统中发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Entity recognition plays a significantly important role in many natural language processing applications .

  22. 事实上语义分析不仅是机器翻译,也是其他自然语言处理应用系统必须认真解决的课题。

    The semantic analysis processing is a critical problem not only in MT , but also in other NLP systems .

  23. 跟语言处理相关的系统被称为语言系统。

    The language-specialized subsystem is referred to as the verbal system .

  24. 用自然语言处理改进问答系统的研究和实现

    Study and Implementation of Improving QA Systems Using NLP

  25. GEL语言及其在信号处理系统中的应用

    GEL and Its Application in Signal Processing System

  26. 基于Java语言的图示信息处理系统

    Java Language-based Schematic Information Processing System

  27. 分析了结合Re-Engineering技术的翻译器Bogart的工作原理,并与传统翻译器进行了比较,同时对源程序的存储方法提出了改进,采用了新的支持程序语言定义的语言处理系统。

    By analyzing the operating principle of the translator Bogart which integrates Re-Engineering technique and comparing it with the traditional translator , an improved storage method was suggested . This method adopted a new language processing system which supported the definition of program language .

  28. 文章介绍了一种新的使用自然语言处理技术的自动系统。

    A new system using Natural Language Processing techniques is proposed .

  29. 规则描述语言是自然语言处理系统的开发环境中十分重要的知识获取工具。

    Rule description languages are important knowledge acquisition tools of the development for natural language processing systems .

  30. 专有名词的识别在针对各国语言的自然语言处理系统中都是一个具有挑战性和研究意义的课题。

    In the natural language processing systems for any kind of natural language , the recognition of Named Entities is a challenging and meaningful subject .