
dǎ yìn fú wù qì
  • print server
  1. 这个向导将协助您在打印服务器上安装多种平台的打印机驱动程序

    This wizard helps you install printer drivers for various platforms on a print server

  2. 打印服务器上所有打印机的列表会显示在浏览器窗口中。

    A list of all of the printers on the print server is displayed in your browser window .

  3. 打印服务器-所有打印机都连接到一个打印服务器,打印服务器从ImageServices接收要打印的文档。

    Print server-All the printers are connected to a print server that receives documents for printing from the Image Services .

  4. 通常情况下,如果域中的所有客户机都使用打印服务器,Linux客户机最好也这么做。

    Usually , if all clients in the domain use print servers , it is appropriate to follow this principle for the Linux clients as well .

  5. 目的:探讨DICOM打印服务器的临床应用价值。

    Purpose : To discuss the clinical value of the DICOM printing server in a large hospital .

  6. 在使用CUPS时,可以使用域打印服务器,也可以直接向打印机的网络接口打印。

    Using CUPS , it is possible to use the domain print servers or to print directly to the network interface of the printer .

  7. 从前端的移动终端、桌面终端,到后端的网络门户、业务处理中心、查询服务器、打印服务器,再到最后端的数据中心,形成了一套典型的N层分布式应用体系。

    From front end ( mobile terminals and desktop terminals ) to back end ( server networking portal , business processing center , querying server , printing server , and data center ), it is developed as a typical N-Tier distributed system .

  8. 本文在详细阐述嵌入式系统的设计原理和方法的同时,通过一自助型网络打印服务器的设计实例,梳理了基于ARM的嵌入式系统板极设计的原理和关键技术。

    This text tires the principles and key techniques of embedded system board-grade designing based on ARM for the example of " A network of self-service printing Webserver " at the time of thoroughly elaborated the principles and methods of the embedded system design .

  9. 本文介绍了网络打印服务器、网络打印管理软件、基于IPP的Internet打印、EIO接口、群集打印等网络打印新技术。

    This paper introduced some kinds of new technology of network printing , such as network print server , network printing management software , Internet Printing based on IPP , EIO interfaces , cluster printing etc. .

  10. 打印服务器提供并管理到网络打印机和打印机驱动程序的访问。

    Print servers provide and manage access to network printers and printer drivers .

  11. 网络打印服务器上水印添加技术的实现

    Watermark-adding System on Network Printer Server

  12. 系统类别的示例有桌面系统、文件和打印服务器以及电子邮件服务器。

    Examples for categories of systems are desktops , file and print servers , and e-mail servers .

  13. 控制台下面的戴尔服务器是应用服务器兼打印服务器。

    The Dell server underneath the console hosts all apps and it also serves as a print server .

  14. 打开打印服务器属性对话框,您可以在那里为此打印服务器选择设置。

    Open the Print Server Properties dialog box , where you can choose settings for this print server .

  15. 无法使用打印机。此状况通常会在您没有注册到此打印服务器时出现。

    Unable to use printer . This condition usually arises when you have not logged into the print server .

  16. 打印服务器还提供用于监视打印状态、错误和网络连接信息的软件。

    The print server also provides software to monitor the printing status , errors , and network connection information .

  17. 自从上次重新启动后,从其他打印服务器向这台服务器要求添加共享网络打印机的调用总数。

    Total number of calls from other print servers to add shared network printers to this server since last restart .

  18. 自从上次重新启动后,从浏览客户端向这台打印服务器请求的网络浏览列表总次数。

    Total number of calls from browse clients to this print server to request network browse lists since last restart .

  19. 通过平构数据库服务创建的除用户、组、队列和打印服务器之外的所有对象。

    Any object , other than user , group , queue , and print server , created through bindery services .

  20. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加并非用平构数据库服务创建的用户、组、队列和打印服务器的对象。

    Drag onto the page to add an object other than user , group , queue , and print server , created with bindery services .

  21. 打印机包含板载以太网端口和能上网的打印服务器,它还能作为独立的打印机。

    The printer includes an onboard Ethernet port and print server to allow for networking , and it can be used as a standalone printer .

  22. 展开了公司内部文件服务器、打印服务器的部署,病毒、邮件、网络合并、客户端标准化、热线服务电话等工作。

    Upgrade and cancel deployed Files and Printer server , Virus , mail relay , domain integrate , client computer software environment standardization , IT helpdesk hot line mechanism .

  23. 一项是我们的髙可用性支持,它可提供一系列支持,从部门打印服务器到随时在线预订系统,一应俱全。

    The first is our high-availability support offering , which provides a continuum of support offerings that span needs ranging from a departmental print server to an online reservation system that must be continuously available .

  24. “用户只能指向并打印到这些服务器:”

    " Users can only point and print to these servers : "

  25. 这些排队等候打印的作业正在或将要被送往网络打印服务器去打印,这可能对网速造成极大影响。

    These queued pint jobs are being sent or will be sent to network printers to print out , which could drub the network speed badly .