
dǎ suàn pan
  • Use an abacus;calculate on an abacus;concentrate on sth.;be clever to looking after one's own interest
打算盘 [dǎ suàn pán]
  • (1) [calculate on an abacus]∶用算盘计算数字

  • (2) [concentrate on sth.;be clever to looking after one's own interest]∶算计,暗中盘算

打算盘[dǎ suàn pan]
  1. 她会打算盘。

    She knew how to work on the abacus .

  2. 我会熟练地打算盘。

    I can use abacus skillfully .

  3. 他认为搞社会主义,要替国家好好打算盘。

    He believed that in building socialism it was necessary to make thorough plans on behalf of the state .

  4. 因为打算盘需要脑、眼、手的密切配合,是训练综合反应能力的一种好方法。

    Since it requires cooperation of the mind , eyes and hand , it is a good way to improve the comprehensive reaction ability .

  5. 中国各行各业都有一批打算盘的高手,而且有的人能用左右两只手同时打算盘。

    There are many experts in the use of the abacus in all trades and professions , and some people can use an abacus with iwo hands at the same time .

  6. 在生产运动中,不注重发展经济,只片面地在开支问题上打算盘的保守的单纯的财政观点,是错误的。

    In the campaign for production , it is wrong to take a conservative and purely financial point of view which concentrates on revenue and expenditure to the neglect of economic development .

  7. 一些会打算盘的公司风向也意识到,大学生是推广新潮产品的理想人选,包括科技产品,社交网站以及团购。

    Smart companies have also realized that college students make ideal marketing and sales people for trendy products , such as it * gadgets , social networking services ( SNS ) and group buying .

  8. 人们在使用过程中发现,使用算盘,除了运算方便以外,还有锻炼思维能力和动手能力的作用。因为打算盘需要脑、眼、手的密切配合,是训练综合反应能力的一种好方法。

    People frnd that using an abacus can im-prove thinking and practical abilities in addition to providing convenient calculation.Since it requires cooperation of the mind , eyes and hand , it is a good way to im-prove the comprehensive reaction ability .

  9. 在安全措施上抠手抠脚可能会打错算盘。

    Scrimping on safety measures can be a false economy

  10. 他这个人总是打错算盘。

    He always miscalculates .

  11. 他要是以为可以欺负我,那他可打错算盘了。

    If he thinks he 's going to lord it over me , he 's mistaken .

  12. 要是反动派以为他们能这样来迫使马克思主义者就范,他们是完全打错算盘了。

    If the reactionaries think they can ever come round Marxists in this way , they 're absolutely miscalculating .

  13. 在这个问题上,我想,无论如何他是打错算盘了,即使咱们不到那里去,他的命运也同样是注定了的。

    In this I fancy that in any case he made a miscalculation , and that , if we had not been there , his doom would none the less have been sealed .

  14. 他老打个人小算盘。

    He is always calculating .

  15. 例2:我希望你仔细地考虑一下,不要打错了算盘。

    Ex.2 : I advise you to think it over , don 't miscalculate .

  16. 不过我认为你同你儿子在内华达州的问题上全打错了算盘。

    But I think you and your son are all wrong with this Nevada business .

  17. 哦,那小鬼肯定在打什么小算盘。看来我得去管管这事儿

    Oh , that boy 's up to something . I should probably get into this .

  18. 他们可能打错了算盘。

    They could be wrong .

  19. 她往好处想以为两人有思想和情趣的共鸣,可是她打错了算盘。

    She fancied there was a sympathy of thought and taste between them , in which fancy she was mistaken .

  20. 断开的骨头两端错位。这位建筑商打错了算盘。

    Fracture in which the two ends of the broken bone are separated from one another . The builder was wrong .

  21. 吉人,你说对不对:我们犯不着去打这些小算盘!

    What do you say to that , Chi-jen ? We 're just wasting our time messing about with these odds and ends .

  22. 莫妮卡和瑞秋打算为菲比举行一个新生儿派对,但她们不打算送菲比婴儿用品,因为反正这个孩子要送走的;她们似乎打错了算盘。

    Monica and Rachel plan a baby shower for Phoebe , but decide not to give her baby-stuff because she won 't be keeping the babies ; unfortunately , this plan doesn 't go over very well .

  23. 真的想了解她,他的工作,而没有在打自己的小算盘。

    And genuinely be interested in who she is , what she does , without his own agenda .

  24. 但现在欧洲经济岌岌可危,美国经济复苏缓慢,投资者们心里又打起了小算盘。

    But now , with European economies in shambles and the U.S. undergoing a slow recovery , investors are turning that wisdom on its head .