
dǎ biǎo
  • charge by the meter
  1. 打表计价的出租车相对便宜。

    Metered taxis are relatively inexpensive .

  2. 打表机、传真机、滑鼠等电脑周边设备。

    Printer , fax machine , mouse and other computer peripheral equipment .

  3. 七十吧。不然我还是坐打表的车去。

    Or else , I 'll take a taxi .

  4. 为免公众诟病救护车收费过高,北京救护车将采用类似出租车的打表计价系统。

    Ambulances in Beijing will be fitted with taxi-style meters in an effort to allay public concerns about overcharging .

  5. 多数的出租车是打表计程的,把车费凑整到最近的五比索准保没错。

    Most taxicabs are metered , and rounding up to the next five pesos is a good rule of thumb .

  6. 程序采用了菜单选择,可对不同贮罐进行连续计算和打表。

    Based on the menu for choice , the program can carry out continuous calculation and print-out for different storage tanks .

  7. 在布达佩斯要当心,那里的出租车是不受监管的;还有奥斯陆,在那里即便打表,打车费用也会刷爆你的信用卡。

    Beware Budapest , where taxis are unregulated , and Oslo , where even the metered fare will max out your credit card .

  8. 也有网友认为急救车打表这个主意不错,一位用户称这样有利于使急救车“更有效率”。

    A few users think that ambulance meters are a good idea , with one saying it 'll help them " be more efficient . "

  9. 在华欣小镇上,她订的客栈实在是难找,出租车司机不打表绕着城开了四、五圈才找到,仍对她的小费千恩万谢;

    The cab driver circled round and round the town Hua Hin to look for the tiny hostel she booked without extra changes and gave them a thankful grin and bow on her tips .

  10. 这次对你以教育为主,下次一定要打表,吸取教训,你不打表是在影响你们整个行业的发展。

    This takes training as a lord to you , must tie table next time , the suction teaches , you don 't tie meter and be affecting you the shape of the whole craft .

  11. 据《北京晨报》上周六报道,从5月1日开始,120和999的一些应急车辆将开始打表计价,为司机和病人清楚地计算出救护车的费用。

    Beginning May 1 , select fleets of 120 and 999 emergency response vehicles will operate with meters to help drivers and patients clearly tally up ambulance fees , the Beijing Morning Post reported on Saturday .

  12. 我不希望此后的一生过打计程表(:意指做出租车司机)生活。

    I don 't want to have to punch a clock for the rest of my life .

  13. 抱歉,我不能再玩了,我在明天工作前得打好履历表……

    Rachel : OK , sorry to break up this party , but I 've got resumes to fax before work tomorrow ...

  14. 我认为即使不在找工作的人,也该在电脑中打好履历表存起来,而且随时更新变动,以备不时之需。

    I think if not find work , also should resume playing well in the computer , and updated save changes , for a rainy day .

  15. 如果你在听你说话的人身上发现了这种眼神,而且还伴随着重复地敲手指或顿足、打哈欠、看表等动作,那么你就应该知道要改变一下话题,让它更令人兴奋一些。

    If you notice this body language of the eyes in someone you are talking to , accompanied by repetitive finger or foot tapping , yawning , and glancing at their watch take it as a sign to change the topic of conversation to something more stimulating .