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  • mail server
  1. 此信息是您的internet邮件服务器帐户名称。

    This information is your Internet mail server account name .

  2. 网易公司邮件服务器的IP是多少?

    What are Netease Mail Server 's IP addresses ?

  3. 利用机群邮件服务器构建的Web邮件系统

    Building Web Mail System Using Cluster-Based Mail Server

  4. 一个大容量邮件服务器的WebMail系统的设计与开发

    Design and Implementation of a Web Mail System fora Mass Mail Server

  5. Linux下邮件服务器的实现原理及其安全措施

    The Principle of Mail Server in Linux and the Security Solutions

  6. 这项功能将直接连接到谷歌邮件服务器上以便完成同步操作,而不需要经过公司的Exchange服务器进行中转。

    This software connects straight to Google 's mail servers instead of the company 's Exchange server to synchronize items .

  7. 浅析Linux邮件服务器配置

    Analysis of Mail Server Configuration Based on Linux

  8. 一种新的基于Linux的邮件服务器集群系统

    A New E-mail Server Cluster System in Linux

  9. IBM还宣布了将邮件服务器迁移到这个环境的计划。

    IBM has also announced plans to move its mail server to this environment .

  10. 问题到达邮件服务器或者只是在忙时提交e-mail,都会延迟web应用程序。

    Problems reaching the mail server or just submitting the e-mail at busy times could delay the web app .

  11. Mail:使用一个邮件服务器,查看、更新和测试邮件通信。

    Mail : View , update , and test mail communication with a mail server .

  12. LotusDomino邮件服务器是否能为这种新客户机提供相符的性能,对于用户来说是非常重要的。

    It is critical that Lotus Domino mail server scale with this new client .

  13. Bob决定利用这一点,他想用吸干带宽的方法来攻击我的Web和邮件服务器。

    Bob decides to take advantage of this fact by launching a bandwidth-sucking attack against my web and mail server .

  14. 您会获得提示,要求您输入Notes用户的名称以及邮件服务器和域的名称。

    You will be prompted for your Notes user name and the name of your mail server and domain .

  15. LotusDomino邮件服务器配置和结果

    Lotus Domino mail server configuration and results

  16. 简单介绍了Domino邮件服务器和其工作机制

    Simple introduced domino mail serve and work machine-made

  17. 本文阐述了基于第四层交换的原理,应用Linux虚拟服务器来实现分布式邮件服务器集群的负载均衡。

    This paper discusses approaches to balance the distributed mail system by using Linux Virtual Server based on layer-4 switching .

  18. 通过IM服务传输文件也减轻了公司邮件服务器的负担。

    Transferring files via IM connections also reduces the load on the company mail server .

  19. 邮件服务器响应XX请输入新的口令。

    The mail server responded XX Please enter a new password .

  20. XX当前命令没有执行成功。邮件服务器服务器响应XX

    The current command did not succeed . The mail server responded

  21. 基于Domino邮件服务器的性能建模

    A Performance Model for Domino Mail Server

  22. 使用ISP的邮件服务器或DNS来配置邮件传输。

    Configure mail delivery using your ISP 's mail server or DNS .

  23. POP3邮件服务器(XX)不支持TOP命令。

    The POP3 mail server ( XX ) does not support the TOP command .

  24. 如果将触发器更改为默认的“Afternewmailarrives”,代理将仅仅在您的主邮件服务器上运行。

    If you changed the trigger to " After new mail arrives " by default , the agent will only run on your home mail server .

  25. 此时,需要网络接口的作业(例如邮件服务器或Web服务器)就可以自动启动(如果接口消失,这些服务将会自动停止)。

    From here , jobs that required a network interface ( such as a mail server or Web server ) would start automatically ( and stop , if the interface disappeared ) .

  26. 不过,视你的邮件服务器的速度而异,过一会儿后你就应该收到相应的E-mail。

    However , depending on the speed of your E-mail server , a few moments later you should receive an appropriate E-mail .

  27. 配置邮件服务器、FTP服务器实现企业内部资源共享。

    Configure E-mail server and FTP server to realize the internal resource sharing in the company .

  28. 发送Email时,先创建报文和信封,将报文封装在信封内并与本地邮件服务器进行通讯。

    When sending Email , establish the message and envelop at first and encapsulate message in envelop and communicate with local Email server .

  29. 可以验证EHLO/HELO确定发送邮件服务器是真实存在于DNS记录中的。

    Verify the EHLO / HELO domain validates that the sending mail server domain exists in DNS .

  30. 攻击的目标主要为门户网站、游戏服务器、邮件服务器、DNS服务器。

    They are mainly targeted at portals , the game server , mail server , DNS server .