
yóu piào
  • stamp;postage stamp
邮票 [yóu piào]
  • [postage stamp] 由国家邮政部门发行及出售,作为交付邮资之凭证

邮票[yóu piào]
  1. 芯片就是一枚邮票大小的硅片。

    A chip is a piece of silicon about the size of a postage stamp .

  2. 德国政府一再重印邮票。

    The German government reprinted the postage stamp again and again .

  3. 邮票有单枚的,也有十枚一册的。

    The stamps are available singly or in books of ten .

  4. 他们特别发行了一套纪念邮票。

    They issued a special set of stamps to mark the occasion .

  5. 你可以在邮局买邮票。

    You can buy your stamps at the post office .

  6. 沿齿孔把邮票撕开。

    Tear the sheet of stamps along the perforations .

  7. 请给我拿三张第一类邮件的邮票。

    Could I have three first-class stamps , please ?

  8. 她常从工作单位顺手牵羊拿走邮票。

    She regularly pilfered stamps from work .

  9. 有邮票吗?

    Are there any stamps ?

  10. 你这儿卖邮票吗?

    Do you sell stamps ?

  11. 请记得写信时在信封里放一个贴好邮票、写明地址的信封。

    Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope when writing .

  12. 请给我一板第一类邮件的邮票好吗?

    Can I have a book of first class stamps please ?

  13. 他说自己可以对这枚邮票进行鉴定。

    He says he 'll have no problem authenticating the stamp

  14. 这些邮票必须用英镑购买。

    The stamps had to be paid for in sterling .

  15. 这四枚新邮票是为了纪念英国天文协会成立100周年而发行的。

    The four new stamps mark the 100th anniversary of the British Astronomical Association

  16. 他将两枚邮票的位置调换了一下。

    He reversed the position of the two stamps .

  17. 他封住信封并贴上一张邮票。

    He sealed the envelope and put on a stamp

  18. 这是免费邮寄,不用贴邮票。

    It 's FREEPOST , so there 's no need for a stamp .

  19. 联合国发行了一枚纪念阿尔弗雷德·德雷富斯上尉的邮票。

    The United Nations has issued a stamp in honour of Captain Alfred Dreyfus .

  20. 邮票是晦暗的深蓝色。

    The stamp was a dull blue colour .

  21. 请随信寄来一个贴好邮票的回信信封。

    Please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope .

  22. 你是想了解某一种珍稀邮票还是想了解珍稀邮票的整体概念?

    Do you want to know about a particular rare stamp or rare stamps in general ?

  23. 买两张第一类邮件邮票。

    Two first class stamps , please

  24. 每个人都分配了销售邮票的指标。

    Each person was given a quota of stamps to sell .

  25. 请把邮票贴在信封上。

    Please glue stick the stamp onto the envelope .

  26. 他给每个信封都贴了一张邮票。

    He stuck a stamp on every envelope .

  27. 再有一张邮票,我这套集邮就完备了。

    I need one more stamp before my collection is completed .

  28. 全国有数千万邮票爱好者。

    There are tens of million stamp hobbyists across the country .

  29. 新的纪念邮票将于下星期发售。

    The new commemorative stamps will be put on sale next week .

  30. 新纪念邮票全卖完了。

    The new commemorative stamps are all sold out .