
  • 网络Kosher;kosher food
  1. 图:亚尼夫·莫达,逾越节奥兰犹太食品网站主管。该网站帮助人们寻找适合犹太人吃的食物。

    Photo : Yaniv Madar , head of the Seder Olam Kosher website , which helps people find kosher food options .

  2. 随着一些犹太人开始融入美国生活,他们不仅发现自己可以在中国餐馆里受到认可和接纳,而且还能在中餐馆里轻易的吃到犹太食品以外的其他食物。

    And , assome Jews began to assimilate into American life , they not only found acceptance at Chinese restaurants , but also easy passage into the world beyond Kosher food .

  3. 食品添加剂行业Kosher犹太食品认证要求

    The requirements of kosher certification in food additive industry

  4. 虽然以色列食品的消费量很高,特别是对犹太食品,BMI预计来年人均食品消费量要下降。

    Although food consumption in Israel is high , particularly by regional standards , BMI predicts that per-capita food consumption is due to decrease in coming years .

  5. 在仪式后的晚餐上,莱文一边吃着蜜汁苹果和其他犹太传统食品,一边表达她对犹太人与中国人关系的理解&同样的见解我在那天晚上听过许多次。

    And at the dinner afterwards , over apples dipped in honey and other traditional foods , she explained her theory of the relationship between Jews and Chinese – a theory I heard repeatedly that night .

  6. 在仪式后的晚餐上,莱文一边吃着蜜汁苹果和其他犹太传统食品,一边表达她对犹太人与中国人关系的理解——同样的见解我在那天晚上听过许多次。

    And at the dinner afterwards , over apples dipped in honey and other traditional foods , she explained her theory of the relationship between Jews and Chinese - a theory I heard repeatedly that night .

  7. 这是犹太龙泡芙最喜欢的犹太传统食品。

    It 's Puff the Jewish Dragon 's favorite kosher dish .