
  • 网络Jewish Synagogue
  1. 星期六的时候,许多犹太人到这所犹太教会堂来。

    Many Jews come to this synagogue on Saturday .

  2. 耶利哥城内有名的景点包括泰勒苏丹、希沙姆王宫以及沙洛姆以色列犹太教会堂的马赛克地板。

    Jericho 's most famous sites include Tell es-Sultan , Hisham 's Palace and Shalom al Yisrael Synagogue Mosaic Floor .

  3. 涌向寺庙、犹太教会堂和教堂。

    Have flocked to temples , synagogues , and churches .

  4. 他指出,一些犹太教会堂和犹太社区中心已经加强了安保,以应对暴力事件。

    He notes some Jewish synagogues and community centers have beefed up security in response to the violence .

  5. 在一个君主政体和一个大祭司的显著特点下,以前的犹太人生活与如今的具备拉比和犹太教会堂的犹太人生活几乎没有共同点。

    Featuring a monarchy and a high priesthood , it bears littleresemblance to Jewish life of today with its rabbis and synagogues .

  6. 挨着我房子的是犹太教会堂,黑暗中我看到教士最好的白色法衣挂在哪里晾干。

    Next to my house was a synagogue , and in the dark I saw the rabbi 's finest white shirt hanging to be dried .

  7. 诺塞尔一开始并未被指认参与谋杀,但当他因小事入狱服刑期间,他和一些人开始计划袭击纽约市的一些地标,包括隧道,犹太教会堂和联合国总部。

    Nosair was initially found not guilty of the murder , but while serving time on lesser charges , he and other men began planning attacks on a dozen New York City landmarks , including tunnels , synagogues and the United Nations headquarters .

  8. 在犹太教的会堂里也设有讲坛,在其上诵读「托拉」和先知的经文。

    In synagogues , the bema ( or bimah ) is a raised platform with a reading desk from which the Torah and passages from the Prophets are read .

  9. 在开放日以外的其他时候,公众和信众都无法进入这座上海保存最完好的犹太教标志性会堂。

    The rest of the time , the city 's best preserved symbol of Judaism is closed both to the public and to the observant .

  10. 今天,许多犹太教妇女在犹太教会堂仍遮盖头发,但在日常生活中,只有哈西德派等几个宗派以戴假发的方式延续着这一操守。

    Today , many Jewish women cover their hair in synagogues , yet only certain sects such as Hasidic Jews continue the practice in everyday life by wearing a wig .