
  • 网络Jewish calendar;Hebrew calendar
  1. 犹太历中一年的第十一个月。

    The 11th month of the year in the Jewish calendar .

  2. 犹太历(希伯来人用的阴阳合历)自有历史以来就有战争。

    The Jewish calendar Throughout history men have waged war .

  3. 在犹太历5774年新年前夕,朗达•莱文(RhondaLevin)就在拉结会堂,坐在专门的女宾席。在巨大的会堂中央,摆着一排人造绿叶植物,将男宾席和女宾席分隔开。

    Rhonda Levin was there , on the eve of the new Jewish year 5774 , sitting in the section reserved for women in the cavernous house of worship , where a row of artificial elephant ear plants runs straight down the centre to keep the men away from their womenfolk .

  4. 夏季即将进入尾声,按照犹太历,旧的一年也将画上句号。

    The summer was coming to an end . The Jewish Year was nearly over .

  5. 函数的作用是:将犹太历转为儒略日计数。

    The JewishToJD () function converts a Jewish calendar date to a Julian day count .

  6. 除了最重要的赎罪节斋戒之外,犹太历上还有四个比较重要的斋戒日,主要是根据历史传统的斋戒习惯,都属于历史重大事件的纪念性质。

    Besides Yom Kippur , there were four regular fast-days established by Jewish tradition to keep the memory of various sad events that affected the Jewish nation during their captivity .

  7. 随着犹太历5774年新年的到来,上海的犹太社区和全世界所有犹太社区一样,聚在犹太会堂里吟唱犹太新年祷文。这座会堂是为纪念世界上最古老宗教之一的犹太教而修建的。

    The arrival of year 5774 was celebrated in Shanghai , as in Jewish communities all over the world , with the tones of a cantor reciting Rosh Hashana prayers in a synagogue filled with people honouring one of the world 's oldest religions .

  8. RoshHashanah,即犹太新年从犹太历的第一个月开始。

    Rosh Hashanah , the Jewish new year starts on the first month of the Jewish calendar .

  9. 犹太古历的七月犹太历中一年中的第七个月,与尼撒月相对应

    " The seventh month of the year in the Hebrew calendar , corresponding to Nisan . "