
  • 网络ghetto;Jewish quarter;Kazimierz
  1. 谢里夫帕夏和法国领事拉蒂·门顿派出人员搜查犹太区,并逮捕了四名犹太嫌疑犯。

    Sherif Pasha and the French consul Ratti-Menton sent a group of people to search the Jewish quarter and arrested four Jewish suspects .

  2. 犹太区今天要清空。

    The ghetto is going to be emptied tomorrow .

  3. 向北是过去的犹太人地区(josefov),那里长满青苔,仍然留存着零星的犹太区。

    To the north is josefov , where mossy , haunted fragments of the old Jewish ghetto remain .

  4. 抱歉,我们不知道这里是正统的犹太区

    Sorry , I didn 't know it was an orthodox neighborhood .

  5. 犹太区有多少告密的,只为几个土豆他们就什么事都做的出来。

    There are informers in the ghetto who will do anything for a few potatoes .

  6. 虽然他也曾在华沙被捕,但从来没有在犹太区待过。

    While he was arrested in Warsaw , he had never been to the ghetto .

  7. 你将会清理犹太区。

    You 'll liquidate the ghetto .

  8. 1943年6月,德国人清算这个犹太区,杀掉几千犹太人。

    In June 1943 , the Germans liquidated the ghetto , killing thousands of Jews in the process .

  9. 那是1939年,3年之后,弗里德曼和他的家人被赶进臭名昭著的华沙犹太区。

    It was 1939 , and within three years , Friedman and his family were forced into the infamous Warsaw Ghetto .

  10. 成品会成对地包在蜡纸筒里上桌,迄今依然是罗马犹太区在不二选的夏季开胃菜。

    Served in pairs , wrapped in cones of wax paper , they remain the summer appetizer of choice in Rome 's Jewish ghetto .

  11. 隔都是中世纪欧洲社会通过法律手段对犹太人实行强制隔离而设立的犹太区。它人为地将犹太人从非犹太社会中分离开来,对犹太人的发展产生了巨大的负面影响。

    In Medieval Europe , the Jews were isolated from the non Jews , and the legal area in which the Jews lived were called Ghetto .

  12. 随后我们来到一个附属于犹太区的喷泉,并求神洁净教会肚腹中的泉水并能涌流出来。

    We then went to a Fountain attached to a Jewish Ghetto and asked for the waters in the Belly of Church to be purified and spring forth .

  13. 而后我过桥往回走,经过犹太区,这历尽沧桑的地方存留了数个世纪,直到被纳粹扫除尽净。

    Then I walk back over the bridge , through the old Jewish ghetto , a sorely tearful place that survived for centuries until it was emptied by the Nazis .

  14. 7月20日下午,萨尔塞勒的犹太商业区小耶路撒冷笼罩在一种被围攻的气氛之下。

    On the afternoon of July 20 , a siege mentality gripped Little Jerusalem , the Jewish commercial district in Sarcelles .

  15. 从前的犹太居民区有一块匾牌,上面记录说,1943年,大约1000名犹太人被当时占领意大利部分地区的纳粹党人驱逐到奥斯维辛集中营。近些年,被驱逐的犹太人的房子旁边放上了一些纪念性的鹅卵石。

    A plaque in the former Jewish Ghetto marks the deportation of around 1000 Jews to Auschwitz in 1943 by the Nazis , who occupied part of the country , and in recent years commemorative cobblestones have been placed by the houses of deported Jews .