
  • 网络The Jewish War
  1. 也许他经历过公元70年的犹太战争,记得是在公元70年。

    Maybe he lived through the Jewish war of70 C.E. , remember it was70 C.E.

  2. 大多数人认为犹太战争结束于74年,因为最终之战发生于74年,最后被攻下的据点叫马萨达。

    The end of the Jewish war is dated by most people to74 , because that 's the time when the final battle took place , and the fortress that fell was called Masada .

  3. 更兴奋的专家们甚至咆哮着支持反对这个犹太国家的战争。

    More excitable pundits are even baying for war against the Jewish state .

  4. 希律堡是犹太反抗罗马战争中的最后战略要地之一,但是在公元71年被罗马占领并摧毁,就在一年前罗马军队刚刚摧毁耶路撒冷第二圣殿。

    Herodium was one of the last strong points held by Jewish rebels fighting against the Romans , and it was conquered and destroyed by Roman troops in A.D. 71 , a year after they destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem .

  5. 同样,若犹太国先遇到战争,罗马人也应该在可能环境内,尽心帮助同盟国作战。

    In like manner also if war shall come first upon the nation of the Jews , the Romans shall help them with all their heart , according as the time shall permit them .