
  • 网络Utah Lake;Lake Utah
  1. 上世纪80年代鲤鱼作为食物来源首次被投入犹他湖。

    Carp were first put into the lake in the eighteen eighties as a food source .

  2. 犹他湖位于普罗伏市附近,是犹他州最大的自然淡水源。

    The lake , near the city of Provo , is the largest natural body of freshwater in the state .

  3. 我们都是从小就在犹他州的湖上滑水,我最美好的记忆也都和水有关。

    We both grew up water-skiing on the lakes here in Utah , and some of my best memories involve being on the water .

  4. 犹他州的官员希望将犹他湖四分之三的鲤鱼移走。

    Officials in Utah want to remove around three-fourths of the carp from Utah Lake .

  5. 犹他州希望将数百万鲤鱼转移,以保护犹他湖特有的濒危物种琼裂鳍亚口鱼。

    The state wants to remove millions of carp to protect an endangered species Utah Lake , the June sucker fish .