
Yóu Tài fù ɡuó zhǔ yì
  • Zionism
  1. 论犹太复国主义对以色列的影响以色列党派的离合与分野

    On the Influence of Zionism on Israel Israeli Political Parties : Separation , Reunion and the Dividing Line

  2. 这种犹太复国主义思潮在德意志犹太共同体内占据主导地位的局面,正是纳粹掌权人希望看到的。

    This dominant situation of the Zionism in the German Jewish community is exactly what the Nazi leaders hope to see .

  3. 犹太复国主义的两重性对以巴和平产生的影响也是双重的,利弊兼有

    The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli-Palestinian peace .

  4. 在LaSpezia事件中从伊休夫分离出去的代价将会在下一次的犹太复国主义选举大会上付出的。

    The price for the blunder of dissociation from the Yishuv during the La Spezia episode would be paid in the next election to the Zionist Congress .

  5. AliyahHadashah宣布四条原则:1。阿利亚移民是满足犹太复国主义的先决条件;

    Aliyah Hadashah claimed to stand for four principles : ( 1 ) aliyah and settlement as apriori conditions for the fulfillment of Zion - ( p181 ) - ism ;

  6. 以色列BintJbeil人制造了犹太复国主义的味道。这种痛苦的味道打败了缺少希望的感觉。也就是说,犹太复国主义者别无选择,只能顺应民意,回到他们最初的家。

    The people of Bint Jbeil ? have made the Zionist taste.The bitter taste defeat and spread the sense of lack of hope on the face of the enemy.showered unit , meaning the Zionists have no choice but to submit to the will of the people and to return to their first homes .

  7. 叙述巴勒斯坦的历史问题及犹太复国主义的产生。

    Narrative history of the Palestinian problem and the emergence of Zionism .

  8. 犹太复国主义妇女组织组织结构和职务定义股

    Zionist Women 's Organizatio Organizational Structure and Job Design Unit

  9. 他以恶毒的语言反对犹太复国主义,这使激进分子放心。

    His virulent opposition to Zionism reassured the radicals .

  10. 从犹太复国主义的缘起看其国家政治内涵

    A perspective of the connotation of national politics from the origin of Zionism

  11. 现在,为了捍卫犹太复国主义,奥巴马必须再次这样选择。

    Now , in defence of Zionism , Mr Obama must make it again .

  12. 在这件事上皇帝和他的家人已经受到犹太复国主义者勒索。

    The emperor and his family have been blackmailed by the Zionists about this .

  13. 德国人们,自然地,感到他们被犹太复国主义者们背叛了。

    The Germans , naturally , felt they had been betrayed by the Zionists .

  14. 一些犹太复国主义者对于他们的回归予以支持。

    Some Zionists support for their return , while others have expressed doubt about them .

  15. 它标志着犹太复国主义运动的最后胜利。

    It marks the victory of Zionism .

  16. 1882~1914年犹太复国主义运动初兴阐析&兼谈现代阿犹冲突的起源

    The beginning of Zionist movement from 1882 to 1914 and the origin of contemporary Arab-Jewish conflict

  17. 美国犹太复国主义妇女组织

    Women 's Zionist Organization of America

  18. 不管怎么说,这只是对犹太复国主义使命的一种看法。

    But in any case , that is only one way of thinking of the Zionist mission .

  19. 内塔尼亚胡相信犹太复国主义的使命就是让犹太民族控制自己的命运。

    Mr Netanyahu thinks the Zionist mission was to give the Jewish people control over their destiny .

  20. 犹太复国主义妇女联合会

    Federation of Women Zionists

  21. 后犹太复国主义评析

    A Comment on Post-Zionism

  22. 此外,内贾德两天前公开表示,“犹太复国主义分子”正密谋暗杀自己。

    Two days ago , moreover , Mr Ahmadi-Nejad declared that " Zionists " were plotting to assassinate him .

  23. 冷战之前印度国大党与犹太复国主义在建国的理念与实践上截然不同。

    Before the Cold War , the theory and practice of independence between the Congress Party and Zionism is different .

  24. 幸存下来的人都记住了这段犹太复国主义历史上不可磨灭的污点。

    Several of us survived to tell the story of this indelible blemish carved in the pages of Zionist history .

  25. 我们坚定地要求犹太复国主义政权和美国解除核武。

    We are standing firm over the issue that both the Zionist regime and the United States should be disarmed .

  26. 宣言发表的背景很复杂,从本质上来看,该宣言是英国政府同犹太复国主义者的共同利益的产物。

    The background is very complicated , Balfour Declaration is the product of common interests of British government and the Zionists .

  27. 在这一时期苏联对犹太复国主义和以色列国家的态度经历了明显的变化。

    During this period the attitude of the Soviet Union on Zionism and the State of Israel has undergone significant changes .

  28. 而犹太复国主义的计划也轻微影响了当地社会的变化。

    At the same time , these changes rendered the direct impact of the Zionist project on indigenous society rather slight .

  29. 虽然对农产品商业化水平很低的状况都不满意,但英国和犹太复国主义者的理由是不同的。

    Although the low level of agricultural commodification was bemoaned by the British and Zionists alike , their reasons were different .

  30. 小和田代表他的犹太复国主义奴隶的主人负责关停杂志,并将记者的名字列入黑名单。

    While in Japan , Owada was responsible for shutting down magazines and blacklisting journalists on behalf of his Zionist slave masters .