
  • Canaan
  1. 今天是纽约州帕契格市迦南小学二年级的演讲日,现在轮到克里斯·帕莱兹了。

    For Canaan Elementary 's second grade in Patchogue , N . Y . , today is speech day , and right now it 's Chris Palaez 's turn .

  2. 我和我的兄弟们从遥远的迦南来。

    My brothers and I have travelled far , from canaan .

  3. 阿玲在迦南市场经营一家T-shirt店,但她很小心,加上了一句,其他人都是守法的。

    But she is careful to add that others are law-abiding .

  4. 含的行为有何可责之处?为何是迦南受咒诅?

    What wrong has Ham done ? Why is Canaan cursed ?

  5. 据说那里是天险迦南大漩涡的所在。

    People say that the area called'Great vortex of Canaan'exists there .

  6. 全能之神在迦南福地对雅各显灵。

    Almighty God appeared to Jacob in the land of canaan .

  7. 耶稣在加利利的迦南行了这个第一次的神迹。

    Jesus performed this first miracle in Cana in Galilee .

  8. 尼格尔和尼奴塔毁灭了太空船发射降落场和周游的迦南城市。

    Nergal and Ninurta destroy the spaceport and the errant Canaanite cities .

  9. 这是亚伯兰在迦南已住了十年的事。

    When this happened Abram had been in Canaan for ten years .

  10. 那时迦南人住在那地。

    At that time the Canaanites were in the land .

  11. 特别要说的是我们看到了迦南家的建立。

    In particular , we see the establishment of Canaan Home Project .

  12. 亚伯拉罕命令迦南南部集结一支精英的骑兵军队。

    Abraham ordered to southern Canaan with an elite corps of cavalrymen .

  13. 含的儿子是古实,麦西,弗,迦南。

    The sons of ham : cush and egypt , put and canaan .

  14. 在迦南城里住着雅各和他十二个儿子。

    Jacob lived in Canaan with his twelve sons .

  15. 底波拉叫巴拉去和迦南王耶宾争战。

    Deborah called Barak to fight a war against Jabin king of Canaan .

  16. 象犹太人眼里的古迦南约旦河在中间滚滚奔流。

    So to the Jews old Canaan stood , While Jordan rolled between .

  17. 他们说,我们从迦南地来籴粮。

    And they said , From the land of Canaan to buy food .

  18. 迦南来的那家人他们来了。

    The family of canaanites * They 've returned .

  19. 愿迦南作闪的奴仆。

    May Canaan be the slave of Shem .

  20. 迦南人认为巴力是掌管自然界的神只,包括掌管火;

    Baal was supposed to be the god of the elements , including fire .

  21. 在迦南的雅各一家人也没有东西吃。

    Jacob and his family in Canaan had no food to eat , either .

  22. 那么,现在就让我们一起去看清迦南大漩涡的真面目吧!

    Now , lets go to see'Great vortex of Canaan ' , shall we ?

  23. 很快,他洗了脸回来,让他们回迦南地去了。

    Soon he washed his face and returned and sent them back to Canaan .

  24. 迦南生长子西顿,又生赫。

    And Canaan was the father of zidon , his oldest son , and heth .

  25. 这都是以扫的儿子,是在迦南地生的。

    These were the sons of Esau , who were born to him in Canaan .

  26. 这样的行为是因为他们崇拜迦南人的假神造成的。

    This would have been the practice of the false worship of the Canaanite gods .

  27. 你是否留意到,当亚伯拉罕抵达迦南时,祝福和试验同时临到?

    Did you notice that blessing and testing met Abraham on his arrival in Canaan ?

  28. 一点也不错,这是一个油水富足的地方,虽然不象迦南那样;

    It is a land of oil , true enough : but not like Canaan ;

  29. 含是迦南的父亲。

    Ham was the father of Canaan .

  30. 迦南人被犹太人征服可以用来为任何形式的奴隶制辩护吗?

    Does the subjugation of the Canaanites to the Semites justify slavery of any form ?