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  • Carthage
  1. 它很快取代了迦太基成为西方的第一大城市

    It'soon outgrew Carthage and became the largest city of the western world .

  2. 相传,腓尼基的黛朵(Dido)女王建立了迦太基城。

    Legend has it that Carthage was founded by Queen Dido of the Phoenicians .

  3. 迦太基人不可避免的受到了罗马人的进攻。很快,他们之间爆发了一系列的战争,历史上称之为布匿战争(thePunicWars)。

    The Carthaginians inevitably encountered the Romans , and soon after that a series of battles known as the Punic Wars took place .

  4. 就在尼禄攻至Baetis,新迦太基就在眼前的时候,他被大西庇阿取代。

    Nero pushed as Far as Baetis and was in sight of Carthago Nova when he was replaced by the young Scipio , Publius Cornelius Scipio " The Younger " .

  5. 文中以第一个使用加热井筒工艺的迦太基油田的Pettit组某井为例子,介绍了此种工艺的原理、设备和现场施工基本过程。

    This paper illustrates a case study of some gas well in Pettit Formation , a first example applying this technology . In addition , it introduces the theory , equipments and basic operation procedure .

  6. 伊比利亚人,Tartessian,凯尔特人,腓基尼人,迦太基人,希腊人,罗马人,日尔曼人(Suevi和西哥特人)和摩尔人的文化都影响了这个国家。

    Iberian , Tartessian , Celtic , Phoenician and Carthaginian , Greek , Roman , Germanic ( Suevi and Visigoth ) and Moorish cultures have all made an imprint on the country .

  7. 公元前202年西皮奥在第二次迦太基战争决定性战胜汉尼拔的战斗。在第二次世界大战以前及大战期间,Schrader小组致力于发展化学战剂。

    The battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War . Prior to and during World War II , the efforts of Schrader 's group were directed toward the development of chemical-warfare agents .

  8. 宗教的魅力。罗马与迦太基关系研究

    Charm of religion . On the Relations between Rome and Carthage

  9. 不过,输了迦太基战役的,应该是异邦人吧?

    But shouldn 't the barbarians lose the battle of carthage ?

  10. 不久,迦太基一定要消灭罗马,或者被罗马消灭。

    Soon Carthage must destroy Rome or be destroyed by her .

  11. 来自迦太基的汪达尔人于455年侵占并洗劫了罗马。

    The Vandals from Carthage took and sacked Rome in 455 .

  12. 罗马的扩张:皮拉斯,迦太基战争及行省;

    Roman expansion : Pyrrhus , Punic Wars and provinces ;

  13. 巴比伦没有理想,迦太基也没有。

    Babylon has no ideal ; Carthage has no ideal .

  14. 罗马自迦太基以来最大的威胁。

    The greatest threat that Rome has known since carthage .

  15. 守城的迦太基人遭到三支罗马军团的袭击。

    The Carthaginians defending the city were attacked by three Roman legions .

  16. 迦太基雄鹰,更高更强。

    The carthage eagles * higher and stronger than ever .

  17. 后来,他们就这儿在建起了迦太基城。

    On this land , the mighty city of Carthage was built .

  18. 迦太基人害怕了,他们的害怕是有道理的。

    The people of Carthage are afraid , and well they may be .

  19. 称霸世界的,是罗马而不是迦太基。

    Rome and not Carthage was to be the mistress of the world .

  20. 迦太基此时已是地中海强国,力图保持在地中海的霸主地位。

    Carthage strove to keep hegemony in the Mediterranean .

  21. 这一荒谬的命令使迦太基人从绝望中惊醒。

    This preposterous order roused the Carthaginians from despair .

  22. 迦太基则随着它的灭亡,文明也湮没于历史长河之中。

    With its destruction , Carthaginian civilization fell into oblivion in the history .

  23. 但总体上,这一时期罗马忙于统一意大利半岛,迦太基与希腊人争夺西西里,双方保持和平关系。

    On the whole , Rome and Carthage remained peaceable relations at that time .

  24. 迦太基人和努米底亚人也是优秀的战士。

    The Carthaginians and Numidians had shown themselves to be good warriors as well .

  25. 这是迦太基的一个重大节日。

    It is a greatest day in Carthage .

  26. 它很快取代了迦太基成为西方的第一大城市。

    It soon outgrew Carthage and became the largest city of the western world .

  27. 修正迦太基人学院的结构,现在能看见了。

    Fixed broken texture for carthaginian academy , so it should now be visible .

  28. 迦太基市民仍然使用一种圆形的青铜盾牌去保护他们自己。

    The Carthaginian citizens still use the round bronze hoplon-style shield to protect themselves .

  29. 所以,迦太基对罗马的态度较为强硬。当罗马逐渐统一意大利半岛,力量逐渐强大时,它对迦太基的限制越来越多。

    After Rome united Italy and became stronger , it had more limitations to Carthage .

  30. 罗马与迦太基关系研究

    On the Relations between Rome and Carthage