
fánɡ hónɡ ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • flood control works;flood control project
  1. MIS在中小河流防洪工程规划中的应用

    The application of MIS in flood control project plan of middle and small types of rivers

  2. 柳州市防洪工程白沙堤施工监理

    Construction supervision of Baisha dike of Liuzhou city flood control project

  3. 位于岩溶区的某县城防洪工程GPS控制测量

    GPS Control Surveying applied to the flood control engineering in a county located in the karst area

  4. 将GPS技术应用在黄河防洪工程中,针对黄河防洪工程的特点,研究了工程实施方案,并取得了较好的经济效益和一些有益的结论。

    The GPS technology is applied to control flood engineering of the Yellow River in the paper . According to the characteristic of control flood engineering , executive plan of the engineering is studied . Good economic benefit and some beneficial conclusion are gained .

  5. 城市防洪工程经济风险分析的蒙特卡洛法

    Monte-Carlo method for economical risk analysis in urban flood control engineering

  6. 长沙市城市防洪工程建设与反思

    Construction and Thinking of Urban Flood Control Engineering of Changsha City

  7. 城市防洪工程规划方案评判模型构建

    Formation of the evaluation model for urban flood control planning projects

  8. 防洪工程经济效益计算

    About the Method for Evaluating Economic Effects of Flood Prevention Works

  9. 浅谈乌苏里江流域防洪工程规划

    Brief discussion on flood control project plan for Wusuli River Valley

  10. 温州市515防洪工程存在问题及解决对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Wenzhou " 515 " Flood Control Engineering

  11. 城市防洪工程建设必须注意的几个问题

    Some problems noticed in the flood control engineering construction of cities

  12. 关于哈尔滨市城市防洪工程的建设情况

    Construction Condition of Urban Flood Control Project in Harbin City

  13. 现代盐湖矿床开采防洪工程的多功能应用

    Multifunctional application of flood control works for modern salt lake deposit mining

  14. 铁路泄洪防洪工程安全效益评价方法

    The Evaluation of Safety Benefit for Railway 's Flood-Relief and Flood-Control Projects

  15. 福州市城市防洪工程环境景观建设

    Construction of Environmental Landscape of Urban Flood Control Project in Fuzhou City

  16. 防洪工程效益的分析与计算

    Analysis and calculations of the profit brought by the preventing flood engineering

  17. 河道管理范围内非防洪工程建设项目管理的体会

    Some Experiences from Non-flood Control Engineering Projects in River Channel Management Domain

  18. 防洪工程体系综合风险评价的物元模型

    Matter-element model of integrated risk evaluation for flood-control engineering system

  19. 我国已建防洪工程商业保险可行性研究

    Feasibility study on commercial insurance of existing flood control projects in China

  20. 加大水土保持工作力度确保水利防洪工程功效发挥

    Strengthening Water and Soil Conservation and Ensuring Efficiency of Flood Control Project

  21. 宜昌市夷陵区城区防洪工程设计

    Construction Design of Flood-Control Project of Yiling Urban District in Yichang City

  22. 嘉兴防洪工程钢质水闸门涂装设计

    Painting design for steel wicket in Jiaxing flood control works

  23. 连锁板护坡在防洪工程中的应用

    Application of Chain Board Slope Protection in Flood Preventing Engineering

  24. 实行防洪工程设计监理制的初步探讨

    Preliminary Approach to Carry out Design and Supervision of Flood Control Engineering

  25. 城市防洪工程建设监理中若干问题的探讨

    Approach to Some Problems in Construction Supervision of Urban Flood Control Project

  26. 质量是城市防洪工程的生命。

    Quality is the life of city flood control work .

  27. 黄河防洪工程安全监测预报研究

    Research on Safety Monitoring of Forecasting Yellow River 's Flood Control Project

  28. 混凝土截渗墙在黄河防洪工程中的应用

    Application of concrete seepage-prevention wall to flood control project on Yellow River

  29. 大同市城市防洪工程体系分析

    Analysis on Datong City 's Urban Flood Control Works System

  30. 防洪工程系统风险分析方法探讨

    Inquiry into system risk analytic method of flood control engineering