
  • 网络Wooden toy;wood toys
  1. 木制玩具,经济实用,给您的孩子带来欢乐。

    Economical and practical wooden toys Bring your children great pleasure .

  2. 有两种木制玩具:士兵和火车。

    There are two types of wooden toys : soldiers and trains .

  3. 美对木材开采立法将影响我国木制玩具等出口

    American lumbering legislation will influence our country 's wooden toy exportation

  4. 你可以过去那边拿木制玩具给我吗?

    Can you go to there take wooden toy for me ?

  5. 日本木制玩具零售商经验谈网络销售与实体经营连动

    Online Sales Interacts with Brick-and-Mortar Japanese Wooden Toy Retailers ' Experience

  6. 木制玩具常见问题分析及危害预防

    Analysis and preventions of frequent problems of wooden toys

  7. 泉州玩具业纷纷转产木制玩具

    Toy enterprises in Quanzhou turn to wooden toy manufacture

  8. 木制玩具风险分析和安全控制

    Risk Analyse and Safety Control on Wooden Toys

  9. 关于木制玩具市场需求问题的初步研究

    Study On The Market Demand Of Wooden Toy

  10. 适用于毛绒玩具,木制玩具,及水晶,玻璃等工艺礼品。

    The products are mainly used in plush toys , wooden toys , crystals and other crafts .

  11. 提高产品设计能力打造木制玩具自主品牌&论云和县木制玩具业的发展

    Developing Products Designing Ability and Creating Independent Brand of Wooden Toys & on Development of Wooden Toys Industry in Yunhe

  12. 刀模加工,广告装饰,家具,木制玩具,部分金属制品加工,模型行业等。

    Die processing , advertising decoration , furniture , wooden toys , some metal processing products industry , molding , etc.

  13. 浙江省云和县木制玩具业发展经历了普及、腾飞到二次创业三个阶段。

    The wood toy industry of Yunhe County , Zhejiang Province experiences 3 developing stages - popularization , prosperity and a second undertaking .

  14. 上海玩具检测中心专栏:木制玩具(三)&木制玩具常见问题分析及危害预防

    Special column from Shanghai Toy Test Center : wooden toys ( Part 3 ) Analysis and preventions of frequent problems of wooden toys

  15. 从木制玩具,胡桃钳,钟表,灯笼,到珠宝和玻璃器皿,到时候你可以买到很多惹人喜爱的东西。

    Delights such as wooden toys , nutcrackers , clocks and lanterns , through to jewellery and glassware will all be available to purchase .

  16. 在新的形势下如何发展云和木制玩具产业&云和县经贸局局长程晓东访谈

    How to develop Yunhe wooden toys industry in the new situaction & The visit to Director General Cheng Xiaodong from Yunhe Economy and Trade Bureau

  17. 加速产业集群培育促进玩具快速发展&浙江省云和县木制玩具工业园区发展探索

    Accelerate the industry cluster growth , promote toy companies fast development & Exploration of wooden toy industrial park development in Yunhe town of Zhejiang province

  18. 木制玩具采分离切切组合,让您的小宝贝益智游玩,模拟大人卖面包。

    Concept of this wooden toy is using the separation and combination method to let the children to sell the bread with the attractive bread trolley .

  19. 实际上,箱子里有一枚订婚戒指,一些钓鱼线和一个他从5岁起珍藏的木制玩具宝箱。

    Inside the box was an engagement ring , some fishing wire and a wooden toy treasure chest that he had cherished since he was 5 .

  20. 根据云和县木制玩具产业的实际情况,对木制玩具产业的3个发展历程进行分析,并提出云和县木制玩具产业化进一步发展的5点措施。

    Based on analysis on3 development stages and current situation of wooden toy production in Yunhe , Zhejiang province , 5 countermeasures were offered for further development .

  21. 同时木制玩具设计作为一门设计学科还刚刚起步,特别是针对学龄前儿童的木制玩具设计理论研究还还不够。

    Meanwhile , the wooden toy design as a discipline is still in its infancy , especially the theory and research is not enough at all for preschool children .

  22. 放眼国际市场共话玩具未来&中国木制玩具城云和举行2005中国玩具企业发展论坛

    To take a broad view of the international market , to discuss the future of toy industry & " Chinese Wooden Toys City " Yunhe held 2005 China toys enterprise development forum

  23. 中国木制玩具城优秀玩具企业和玩具人在4月举行的第18届广州国际玩具及礼品展上,木制玩具军团阵容格外引人注目。

    The outstanding toy enterprise and expert of Chinese wooden toy city In the 18th session of Guangzhou International Toys and Gifts Fair , wooden toy absorbed people 's interest with its great cast .

  24. 木制玩具是玩具家族的一大门类,历史源远流长,以其天然性、耐用性及益智性深受人们的欢迎。

    In toy family , the wooden toy is one of the main categories . These wooden toys have a long history . They are popular by their natural , durable , and conducive to the development of intelligence .

  25. 文章重点研究了浙江省木制玩具企业自主品牌塑造与创新发展的策略,具体体现为自主品牌个性塑造、品牌定位,品牌推广、品牌创新等策略。

    The article has studied Zhejiang Province wooden toy enterprise independent brand mold and the innovation development strategy with emphasis , manifests specifically for the independent brand individuality mold , the brand localization , strategies and so on , brand innovation .

  26. 木制玩具制造业的发展历史悠久,木制玩具的使用和消费人群也有特定范围,但是针对0-6岁儿童的木制玩具产品和研究却相对较少。

    The manufacturing of wooden toys has a long historical development , the use of wooden toys and the consumer groups are a specific range . However , the study on wooden toys products for 0-6 years old children has been relatively little .

  27. 采购产品礼品,玩具和游戏,木制的玩具,智力玩具,手艺装备。

    Gifts Articles , Toy and Games , Wooden Toys , Puzzles , Craft Kits .

  28. 例如,几年前,美国儿童木制套装玩具大型制造商BackyardLeisure发现,自己难以与更低价的竞争对手竞争。

    Backyard Leisure , for instance , a large US maker of children 's wooden playsets , found itself struggling against lower-priced competitors a few years ago .

  29. 第二,要花很多的技能和创造力,工艺木制教育玩具。

    Second , it takes a lot of skill and creativity to craft wooden educational toys .

  30. 展柜里有一套极其逼真的默克O刻度模型火车,下面则是那些异乎寻常的毛绒动物玩具,比如三英尺高的长颈鹿(750克朗),还有整盒的带轮的简单木制拉绳玩具。

    Inside one display case is an impressively realistic layout of Merkur 's O-scale model trains , on top of which are unusual stuffed animals , like the three-foot-high giraffe ( 750 koruna ) and packs of simple wooden toys with wheels and pull strings .