
yóu dì
  • send by post;postal delivery;send by mail;mailing;post
邮递 [yóu dì]
  • [send by mail] 通过邮政发送

邮递[yóu dì]
  1. 全镇实行免费邮递制度之后,只有爱米丽小姐一人拒绝在她门口钉上金属门牌号,附设一个邮件箱。

    When the town got free postal delivery , Miss Emily alone refused to let them fasten the metal numbers above her door and attach a mailbox to it .

  2. 请附姓名地址邮资俱全的信封,以便邮递化验结果。

    Please enclose an sae for your test results .

  3. 你的支票在邮递途中。

    Your cheque is in the mail .

  4. 我们通过邮递做生意。

    We do our business by mail .

  5. 他通过邮递员发出订单。

    He sent the order by messenger .

  6. 邮递员来过了吗?

    Has the mailman come yet ?

  7. 邮递员来过了吗?

    Has the postman been yet ?

  8. 在左上角写上“航空邮递”。

    Write ' By Airmail ' in the top left hand corner .

  9. 大量的手稿开始通过邮递涌来。

    A deluge of manuscripts began to arrive in the post

  10. 我记得有个故事,讲的是一个邮递员杀人的事情。

    I remembered a particular story about a postman who was a murderer

  11. 书会邮递给你。

    You 'll receive your book through the post

  12. 您的支票正在邮递中。

    Your check is in the mail

  13. 那名年轻的邮递员很聪明,但是没受过教育。

    The young mailman was intelligent but uneducated .

  14. 他曾是个邮递员。

    He used to be a mail carrier .

  15. 邮递员把信从门底下塞入。

    The postman stuck the letter under the door .

  16. 那个邮递员为他误投邮件的事辩解。

    The postman argued away his misdelivery of the mail .

  17. 我一直在等候着邮递员。

    I am watching for the postman all the time .

  18. 我想把此信交头班邮递出去。

    I 'd like to get this letter off by the first post .

  19. 现任邮局局长过去是邮递员。

    The present postmaster used to be a postman .

  20. 孩子们争先恐后地从邮递员那儿把包裹拿过来。

    The children fell over each other to take the parcel from the postman .

  21. 这封信是邮递员送来的。

    The letter was delivered by a carrier .

  22. 所有信件在邮递的过程中都要受到检查。

    All letters were opened in transit .

  23. 邮递员猛然把门打开。

    The postman burst the door open .

  24. 邮递员糊涂了,所以他将包裹投错了。

    The postman was mixed up , so he delivered the package to the wrong house .

  25. 雷蒙德小时候梦想成为一名科学家(scientist),实际上(infact)他现在是一名邮递员(postman)。

    As a boy Raymond dreamed of being a scientist , in fact , he is a postman now .

  26. 我当过很短时间的邮递员。

    I worked as a mailman for a short time .

  27. 比起我来讲,那只狗是个更好的邮递员。

    The dog was a better mailman than I was !

  28. 在中国邮递员都穿绿色制服。

    In China postman subdues all wearing green color .

  29. 邮递员总是九点钟来。

    The mailman always comes at 9 o'clock .

  30. 互联网先是用电子邮件几乎埋葬了传统信件邮递服务,然后又用网购快递救活了邮寄公司。

    The internet both almost killed off the postal service with email and then made it more needed than ever with online delivery .