
  • 网络Linguistic Law;plain language law;linguistic method
  1. 此文简单介绍全语言法准则及其理论基础,探索它在我国EFL教学实践中的可行性,并指出此教学法在实施过程中须注意的问题。

    This paper attempts to introduce the principles of whole language , examine its theoretical foundations , explore its application and inspiration in EFL teaching and learning in our country , and point out some problems in implementing this approach .

  2. 谈健美操教学中语言法的指导

    A Brief Talk . on Language Instruction in Physical Fitness Teaching

  3. 语言法是体育教学最基础的教学方法。

    Lingual method is one of the most basic teaching methods .

  4. 体育教学中语言法的运用及语言规范

    Use and Criteria of Lingual Method in Physical Education Teaching

  5. 语言法在警体教学中的运用

    Applying Language Method to Teaching of Police Physical Education

  6. 语言法是警体教学中常用的教学方法之一。

    Language method is one of useful methods of teaching of police physical education .

  7. 首先,论文介绍了前人的理论以及本论文的核心理论&交际法为先,而后分析了语法翻译法、听说法、团体语言法等理论同交际法的比较情况。

    Followed by CLT , which is the core theory of this paper , Grammar-Translation Method , Audio-Lingual Method , Community Language Learning are introduced in turns .

  8. 挪威1992年颁布的《萨米语言法》,是北欧诸国中第一部旨在保护和发展萨米人语言权利和文化权利的国家级行政法令。

    The Sami Language Act promulgated in 1992 in Norway is the first national and administrative law , which is aimed at preservation and development of linguistic and cultural rights of the Sami .

  9. 探讨了语言法在课堂教学组织中的运用、在学法指导中的运用,并且从形式和内容两方面探讨了体育教学语言法中语言规范的要求。

    The application of the lingual method in teaching organizing and in learning guiding is discussed , and the requirement for language criteria in lingual method is probed for physical education in the terms of form and content .

  10. 英语校本课程实施要体现以学生为主体、以学习为中心的整体语言法的教学理念,要强调学生多元智能的开发,注重课堂教学内容的个性化及形式的多样性。

    Taking English school-based curricula should adopt the teaching concept , which regards students as the principal part and is study-centered , strengthen students ′ multi-intelligence development and pay attention to the individualization and variety of classroom teaching contents .

  11. 本论文尝试了一种新颖的交际教学法、任务型教学法和合作学习语言法为一体的多维教学法,并把其应用在高中英语口语教学中。

    This study adopts the Multidimensional Teaching Method , which is an original approach relying on a combination of the Communicative Language Teaching , the Task-Based Language Teaching and the Cooperative Language learning and applies it to oral English teaching in senior high school .

  12. C语言语文法教学初探

    On C Language Chinese Language Teaching Method

  13. 全语言教学法(WholeLanguageApproach)是20世纪70年代北美兴起的一种语言教学法。

    Whole language approach is a relatively new approach to teaching and learning language which emerged in 1970s .

  14. 用汇编语言输出法分析了C语言中不恰当使用自增自减运算符及字节数据显示时存在的系统Bug。

    Using assembly language output , this paper analyzes some C system bugs found in using self-increment or self-decrement operators incorrectly and displaying a 8-bit value .

  15. 非语言教学法在体育教学中的作用

    The Effect of Non-Language Teaching Method in the P. E Teaching

  16. 大学非英语专业学生对交际语言教学法的态度调查

    A Study of College Non-English Majors ' Attitude towards Communicative Approach

  17. 浅谈中国高校专业英语交际语言教学法使用的可行性

    The Feasibility of Communicative Language Teaching for English Majors in China

  18. 现代汉蒙语言构词法比较研究

    Comparison Studies of Word-Formation of Modern Chinese and Modern Mongolian

  19. 听障者语言沟通法的历史演变

    The evolutionary history of language communication in hearing impaired person

  20. 中国特色交际语言教学法的思考

    On the Communicative Language Teaching Method Typically Adopted in China

  21. 交际语言教学法所指的交际是真实、有意义的和有任务的交际。

    Communication in CLT should be authentic , meaningful and task based .

  22. 第三,具体实施任务型语言教学法过程。第四,对实验过程和结果进行评价。

    Thirdly , task-based language teaching is carried out .

  23. 任务语言教学法应用于大学英语课堂教学的实践研究

    An experiment study on the task-based language teaching approach into English classroom teaching

  24. 她是以语法为导向的语言教学法的顽固支持者。

    She is an unreconstructed supporter of the grammar-led approach to language learning .

  25. 他的语言教学法是非常新颖的。

    He is very up to date in his method of language teaching .

  26. 中学历史课的诗化语言教学法

    Method of the Versifying Language of the History Teaching in the Middle Schools

  27. 体育院校术科教学实施非语言教学法的基本原则

    Basic principles of nonlinguistic teaching in speciality in PEC

  28. 谈体育课中的语言教学法

    On language teaching method in the PE class

  29. 论任务型语言教学法在我国高职高专英语教学中的应用

    The Application of Task-based Approach ( TBA ) in Chinese Higher Vocational College Classes

  30. 交际语言教学法漫谈

    A Talk on Communicative Approach to Language Teaching