
  1. 建设沪渝沿江铁路大通道之管见

    Elementary opinion on construction of Hu Yu extra long railway passage along Yangtze River

  2. 国际铁路大通道,“一江三路三大洋”出海通道。

    Ocean-bound International Railway Channel ," One river , three routes , three oceans " .

  3. 一条从上个世纪90年代中期就开始构思、连接中国云南和东南亚诸国的铁路大通道,在经历了十几年的冷热沉浮后,目前重又升温

    The idea of connecting China 's Yunnan Province with the Southeastern countries through a major railway comes back after ups and downs over the past 10 years

  4. 简要讨论了加快建设东南沿海(上海-广州)铁路大通道的必要性、迫切性,介绍通道走向,并对技术条件和实施步骤提出了一些建议。

    The necessity and urgency for speeding up construction of the grand railway passage in the southeast coast ( Shanghai-Guangzhou ) are briefly discussed with the alignment of the passage introduced . Some suggestions are put forward concerning the technical conditions and steps of implementation .

  5. 高速铁路对大通道客运体系作用的评价

    Evaluation on the Role of High-speed Railway in Large Corridor Passengers Transport System