
  • 网络Copper resources;copper ore resources
  1. 中国铜矿资源的可供性研究

    Study on the availability of china 's copper ore resources

  2. 甘肃铜矿资源特征与新一轮找矿思路

    Characteristic of copper ore resources and new train of thought for prospecting in Gansu , China

  3. 基于GIS的中国铜矿资源信息系统设计构想

    An Idea of Design of Cu Resources Information System of China Based on GIS

  4. 例如,中铝为了在秘鲁特罗莫克(toromocho)开采铜矿资源而迁走了当地居民,此举已引发了批评。

    Chinalco , for example , has stirred criticism by evicting locals to develop copper deposits in Toromocho , Peru .

  5. 我国铜矿资源的形势分析与对策

    The state of china 's copper resources & analysis and suggestions

  6. 鄂东南地区铜矿资源特点与勘查对策

    Characteristics and exploration measures of copper mineral resources in Southeastern Hubei

  7. 江西铜矿资源分布特点及储量增长的途径

    Features of copper resources distribution and ways of increasing its reserves

  8. 应用地质统计学评估福建某铜矿资源

    Applying Geological Statistics to Evaluate a Certain Copper Ore Resource in Fujian

  9. 江西铜矿资源的赋存特征及开发利用

    Occurrence Characteristics and Exploitation of Copper Resources in Jiangxi Province

  10. 我国铜矿资源勘查开发前景展望

    Prospects of Exploration and Development of Copper Resources in China

  11. 铜矿资源进口区域评价与决策优化研究

    Regional evaluation and optimizing determination on import of copper resource

  12. 我国铜矿资源开发利用的技术经济评价

    Technical and Economic Evaluation on Development and Utilization of China 's Copper Resources

  13. 德兴铜矿资源多角化经营战略的思考

    Reflect on Multi-angle Operating Strategy of Dexing Copper Resource

  14. 中国铜矿资源信息管理系统设计构想

    Design for Information Management System of Chinese Copper Resources

  15. 依据地球化学特征试作四川铜矿资源分布预测

    A prediction of Cu deposits distribution in Sichuan in terms of geochemical field

  16. 论铜矿资源特点及其开发技术发展趋势

    Talk about the properties of copper mineral resources and trends of recovery technology

  17. 中国铜矿资源潜力定量综合评价

    Quantitative synthetic assessment of copper resource potential in China

  18. 铜矿资源量711吨,平均品位0.91%;

    The copper ore-reserves is 711 tons , its average grade is 0.91 % ;

  19. 为该类铜矿资源的合理开发利用提供了较好的工艺技术。

    An advanced technique for rationally exploiting and utilizing the copper resources was provided .

  20. 云南土状铜矿资源利用研究

    Exploitation of earthy copper resources in Yunnan

  21. 江西省境内有丰富的铜矿资源。

    Jiangxi is abundant in copper resources .

  22. 为了开发某铜矿资源,对其进行了可行性实验研究。

    In order to develop a kind of copper ore resources , feasible experiment was carried out .

  23. 世界铜矿资源丰富,我国相对较紧缺。

    The Cu Mineral resources are plentiful in the world whereas they are relatively short in China .

  24. 主观概率法在沿江地区铜矿资源总量预测评价中的应用

    Method of subjective probabilities for total copper resources prognosis and assessment along Yangtze Valley in Anhui Province

  25. 氧化铜矿资源一般选矿回收指标均较低,因而影响矿山生产效益。

    The mineral processing efficiency of copper oxide ores is lower , which has influence on mine production profitability .

  26. 中国铜矿资源现状及产销形势分析

    An Analysis on Current Status of Copper Ore Resources And Production / Selling Situation of Copper Concentrates in China

  27. 作者根据从事铜矿资源地下溶浸采矿研究的体会,论述了今后铜资源开采与回收技术的发展方向。

    The direction of mining and recovery technology was also described based on the understand of copper insitu leaching study .

  28. 而南美洲拥有的铜矿资源则占全球剩余铜储量的一半左右。

    South America , on the other hand , has roughly half of all copper reserves left for global supply .

  29. 随着高品位铜矿资源的日趋枯竭,高效开发铜尾矿变得越发迫切。

    With the depletion of high grade copper mineral resources , it has become very urgent to develop the discarded copper tailings .

  30. 在大力开发国内铜矿资源的基础上,大力推进企业海外开采矿业,缓解铜矿资源紧张局面。

    Also we will vigorously find the domestic copper resources , promote the exploitation of overseas mining companies to ease the tension copper resources .