
fēng xiàng
  • wind direction;trend
风向 [fēng xiàng]
  • (1) [wind direction]∶风吹来的方向,尤指与航向有关的

  • (2) [trend]∶比喻时势变化的趋向

  • 奇怪的是有些作家喜欢伸起头辨风向

风向[fēng xiàng]
  1. 自动化气象站将风向信息输入计算机。

    An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer .

  2. 分析了个别时刻A、B两塔地理位置的盛行风向对模式模拟结果的影响。

    Simulated result will be affected by prevailing wind direction of tower A & tower B through some individual cases analyzes .

  3. 风向转西。

    The wind veered to the west .

  4. 风向已经变了。

    The wind has changed direction .

  5. 风向变了吗?

    Has the wind changed direction ?

  6. 双方一直在为风向飘忽不定而苦恼。

    Both sides were troubled throughout by a capricious wind .

  7. 风向已经改变,从西风转为西北风。

    The wind had veered from the west to north-by-west

  8. 风向已经转北,带来了晴朗的天空和严重的霜冻。

    The wind had veered to north , bringing clear skies and a keen frost .

  9. 有一阵风朝岸上吹来,风向变化不定,但风力很强。

    There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore , variable , but quite strong .

  10. 学生们在察看风向。

    The students were watching which way the wind was blowing .

  11. 根据风向测度,今天不会下雨。

    Judging by the direction of the wind , it won 't rain today .

  12. 风向变后,那条小舟就清晰在望了。

    A change of wind brought the little boat into sight .

  13. 最后一小时风向变了。

    The wind has come about in the last hour .

  14. 如果风向改变,你必须掉转船头。

    If the wind changes you 'll have to bring her about .

  15. 风向转往东。

    The wind hauled around to the east .

  16. 风向如何?

    What quarter is the wind in ?

  17. 不过在漆器方面,西方收藏家仍然独领风骚,引导风向。

    Lacquer , though , is still something in which Western collectors lead the way .

  18. 风向突然由西转北,怕要下雪了。

    The wind suddenly changed round from west to north , bringing with it the threat of snow .

  19. 达到一定比分后,运动员就互换场地,这样双方都不至由于风向和阳光的位置而独得优势。

    After a certain number of points , the players changed round so that neither could benefit unduly from the wind or the position of the sun .

  20. 这条河向北流,但河上的风向南吹。

    The river runs north , but the wind on the river blows south .

  21. 风向的突然改变预示暴风雨来临。

    A sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm .

  22. 他们使单桅小船倾斜适当,让它顶着风向前滑去。

    They heeled the sloop well over , skimming it along to windward .

  23. CMOS风速风向传感器的设计

    Design of CMOS wind velocity and direction sensor

  24. 基于SAR影像的风向反演与水下地形探测实用性算法

    Wind Direction Inversion and Practicability Research of Algorithm of Underwater Bottom Topography Detection Based on Sar Image

  25. 基于SOPC技术的超声波风速风向检测系统

    Ultrasonic wind velocity and direction detecting system based on SOPC

  26. 在该模型中,CA状态跃迁规则与坡度、风速、风向、湿度和树种紧密相关。

    In the model , CA transition rules were modified in accordance with the slope , wind speed and direction , humidity and tree species .

  27. 但是,大气中的CO柱总量受到气象条件的重要影响,影响CO柱总量逐日变化和日变化的气象因子主要有大气稳定度、风速和风向等。

    However , the variation of CO column amount is closely dependent on meteorological condition , mainly including atmospheric stability , wind speed and wind direction .

  28. 峡谷上空风向与街道轴线的夹角越大、风速越小,则街道地面CO浓度越高。

    The larger the angle between the wind direction and the street axis and the weaker the wind velocity , the higher the pollutant concentration on street surface is .

  29. 结果表明,十字路口的建筑物布局与风向共同作用,会对街区的风速和CO质量浓度分布产生很大影响。

    The result of the modeling shows that the layout of the structures and the wind direction can jointly affect the distribution of the wind velocity and the CO concentration .

  30. SAR成像时刻海面风向是浅海水下地形SAR探测的重要参数之一,以前主要是靠经验来确定。

    Wind direction in SAR imaging time is one of the important parameters of shallow underwater topography SAR detection , and it was determined by experiences in the past .