- 网络aeolian sandy soil

Soil heterogeneity exerted significant influences on the community structures as well and was the second dominating factor affecting them , and the species diversity indexes with different soils followed the decreasing order of clayed soil , grey brown desert soil and aeolian sandy soil ;
Study on the wetting front of water infiltration and soil water redistribution in aeolian sandy soil This process is also aqueous , but often requires the addition of a wetting agent to obtain good penetration of the chemicals .
CO 2 releasing from soil respiration and litter of Leymus chinensis community in meadow alkali soil is more than that in wind sand soil .
8 % peat treatments greatly improved the aeolian sandy soil physical and chemical characteristics . Soil bulk density , total porosity degree , total N , alkali N , available P and K increased , and soil pH value decreased to be little acid or neutralized .
Statistical analysis suggests that the spectral reflectance can be used to distinguish alkali-saline soil 、 sandy soil 、 grey-chernozemic soil 、 black soil , Which provides the theoretical basis for their interpretation on the TM image of single band .
The size order of TOC was cinnamon soil dark loessial soil loessial soil xiang yellow soil aeolian sandy soil alluvial soil , and the difference between 6 types of soil was extremely significant level . 2 .
Research and Analysis on the soilwater retention efficiency of the absorbent DQ-1 in the sandy soil of the West Heilongjiang Province
After sprayed the turf mulch material , either loess or sand-blown soil , the plant density is heavier using the other fixation sand measure . And it has the obvious effect on retaining water and preventing water erosion .
The result showed that the content of sand was decreased ;
On Resistance of Eolian Sandy Soil Moisture to Wind Erosion
Properties of Ameliorated Sandy Land Soil in Semi humid Area
Phosphorus Status of Sand Soil and Effects of Phosphorus Fertilization on Quality of Wine-grapes
Study on Variability of Physical and Chemical Properties of Sandy Soil after Coal Mining Subsidence
The Characters of Potassium and Its Effect on Wine-grapes on Aeolian Sand Soil in Ningxia
Study on the Mathematics Models of Cultural Factors on Wheat Yield in the Wind-sand Region
Study on the Mathematics Models Effecting the Cultural Factors on Corn Yield in Blown Soil
The Study of Analyzing the Mechanical of Aeolian Sandy Soil Using Straw Based on Experiment
Study on Improvements of Modifiers on Soil Water-Stable Aggregates and Its Mechanisms in Aeolian Sandy Soil
Effect of Drip Irrigation under Plastic Mulch on Aeolian Sandy Soil Salt Dynamic and Cotton Yield
Studies on the Application Technique of Nitrogen Fertilizer for Maize Grown in Aeolian Soil of Jilin Province
Effect of organic manure on fulvic acid and humic acid of combined humus forms in wind blown soil
Genetic Diversity of the Bacteria Isolated from Swamp and Meadow Aeolian Soils in Zoige , Sichuan , China
The aeolian sand soil on plateau plane of Kunlun Mountains influences of vegetation cover on the wind erosion of sandy soil
Research on Aeolian Sandy Soil Physico-Chemical Properties Under Different Types of Site and Plant Species Choice in the Tarim Desert Highway
Studies on Characters of Nutrient Resources of Aeolian Soil and Effects of Nutrient on Ephedra Sinica Growth and Accumulation of Ephedrine
Soil developed from aeolian sand soil to Calcic-Orthic Aridisols . Development of bio-crust on the surface increased ability of anti-erosion by wind .
Applying the methods of chemistry analysis , biological absorption and biological diagnoses to study availability and utilization of phosphorus of sand soil .
The soil water retention properties of the absorbent of DQ-1 were tested in the sandy soil of west Heilongjiang Province under the conditions of the laboratory .
In the paper , the authors applied the means of chemistry analysis and field-experiment to study on validity of potassium and its effect to growth of wine-grapes .
The sorting of the aeolian sand soil in the middle and southern desert is medium and better and the skewness is near symmetrical and the kurtosis is leptokurtic .