
  • 网络land resource evaluation;land resource assessment
  1. 我国土地资源评价研究及其展望

    The study and Prospect of land resource assessment of China

  2. GIS支持下的农业土地资源评价研究&以贵阳市区为例

    An agricultural land resource evaluation study based on gis ── as exemplified by Guiyang City

  3. 基于GIS的斗门县土地资源评价

    GIS Based Land Resources Evaluation of Doumen County

  4. 基于GIS的土地资源评价单元确定与属性数据获取方法初探

    A New Method for Determining Evaluation Units and Obtaining Evaluation Data in GIS-Based Land Resource Evaluation

  5. 基于GIS和GPS的南方红壤侵蚀区土地资源评价

    GIS and GPS-Based Evaluation of Land Resources in an Eroded Red Soil Area of South China

  6. 利用GIS方法,在土地资源评价的基础上,分析了该市农田损失对农业的影响。

    This paper focuses on the monitoring and evaluation of agricultural land loss with the integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques .

  7. 同时,研究表明,采用GIS,GPS技术,结合模糊数学方法进行小流域大比例尺土地资源评价的方法是科学可行的,在此类土地资源评价中具有推广应用前景。

    Application of GIS , GPS and fuzzy mathematics methods is scientifically sound and feasible for the evaluation of the land resources at the scale of small watersheds . This research expands the field for this type of land resources evaluation .

  8. 土地资源评价管理系统开发与应用

    Development and application of the supervisory system for land resource appraisement

  9. ARC/INFO软件系统在农业土地资源评价中的应用

    Use arc / info for evaluation of land resources for cultivation

  10. 安徽省土地资源评价系统的探讨

    An analysis on Judging System of Land Resource in Anhui Province

  11. 上海市主体功能区划分中可利用土地资源评价

    Evaluation of exploitative land resources in major function zoning of Shanghai

  12. 通天河流域农业土地资源评价

    Evaluation of the agricultural soil resource in the Tongtian Valley

  13. 武汉汉阳湖区土地资源评价研究

    Assessment of Land Resources in Hanyang Lake Watershed of Wuhan

  14. 冀西北风沙半干旱区土地资源评价及利用

    Appraisal and Utilization of Soil Resources in Send-Arid Region in Northwest Hebei

  15. 基于概率神经网络的广东省土地资源评价

    Guangdong Province Land Resource Evaluation Based on Probabilistic Neural Networks

  16. 贵阳市区土地资源评价模型的建立

    Establishment of land resource evaluation model in Guiyang City

  17. 区域土地资源评价及数据库建立

    The Evaluation of Regional Land Resources and Data Base

  18. 矿区废弃土地资源评价因子及其权重的确定

    Determination of Factors and Weights in Evaluating Abandoned Land Resources in Coal Mines

  19. 河北省土地资源评价与其合理开发利用

    Evaluation of land resources and its rational development and utilization in Hebei Province

  20. 福州市土地资源评价与合理开发刍议

    The Evaluation and the Retional Development of the Land Resource of Fuzhou City

  21. 微机土地资源评价信息系统的建立及其应用研究

    The Establishment of microcomputer Land Resource Evaluation Information System and Its Application Research

  22. 辽阳市土地资源评价与土地需求量预测

    The Evaluation of Land and Forecast of Land Needs in Lao Yang City

  23. 鄱阳湖区土地资源评价

    Appraisement of Land Resource in Poyang Lake Region

  24. 北京山区土地资源评价及可持续发展研究

    Evaluation of Land Resource and Study on Development Strategy in Mountain Areas of Beijing

  25. 浅析土地资源评价

    The Review of Land Resources Evaluation

  26. 双轨制土地资源评价在土地利用总体规划中的应用

    The application of the ″ double-orbit system ″ of land evaluation in the overall land use planning

  27. 平鲁风沙区不同立地类型土地资源评价研究

    Study on the evaluation of different types land resources in wind and sand area of Pinglu Area

  28. 本文根据四川省碗厂沟流域的特点,提出土地资源评价的原则、内容、参评因素和方法步骤,以及农、林用地的质量等级。

    The present paper formulates the principles , contents , factors to be estimated and pro - cedures of land resource evaluation according to the characteristic features of the catchment .

  29. 以贵阳市区为例,选取自然生态系统指标、社会经济系统指标和农田污染系统指标,建立了土地资源评价模型。

    By taking Guiyang City as a case study , the indices for the natural ecosystem , society economy system and cropland pollution system were chosen and the land resource evaluation model was established .

  30. 土地资源评价、土地资源政务管理和社会服务流程的信息化具体体现了电子政务在土地资源管理中的应用,也是土地资源管理信息化的主要内容。

    The informationalization of land evaluation , of governmental management of land resources and of process of social services , is not only the actual embodiment of the application of e-government , but also the main content of the informationalization of land resources .